Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 599: Cherish

Chapter 599: Cherish (116 more)

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously looked at the Kang table under the south window.

The emperor snorted softly, straightened his legs, and comfortably grabbed a pillow and leaned against the head of the bed: "I have a question in my heart, since the master is here, why don't you ask?"

Wanxi shook her head: "No."

The emperor threw away the book, and stretched out two hands to grab her little hand: "You still want to hide it from me? You have already seen it clearly."

Wanxi couldn't struggle, so she also fell on his lap, and Zhi Yi looked at him on her stomach.

"Since the master sees it clearly, why bother to ask me? If the master wants to explain my doubts for me, then naturally there is no need for the slave to ask. If the master didn't want to say it, the slave asked for nothing, so why not ask me?" Suffering for the Lord?"

The emperor snorted and scratched the bridge of her nose with his hand.

"First, your title 'Ling'. Naturally, I have already thought about it a long time ago. I have already thought about it since I wanted to give you the Palace of Eternal Life. I gave you the first nobleman, but did not give you this title. That's because the nobleman's status is still too light to support this title."

"Besides, I didn't expect you to stay in the position of nobleman for a few days, and I have already prepared to promote you as a concubine. Even if there is no death of the imperial concubine Huixian, I will issue an order at the latest in February after the new year. .”

Wan Xi smiled and nodded, "I understand."

"Secondly, the 'six' you drew happened to be the number of people who were confiscated with you; the 'three' was the number of people who were not confiscated. You want to know why the master wanted to confer six, but the remaining three indivual."

Wanxi nodded quietly.

The emperor stared fixedly at Wanxi: "Whether they are entrusted or not is not the same as your entrustment. They are entrusted, the pure noble concubine and Yu concubine are because they gave birth to princes; There is no reason for Concubine Chun to go ahead of her for the side Fujin bestowed on me, so I made an exception this time to double concubine concubine."

"As for the ones who haven't been conferred... whoever said that all of them have to be promoted when the harem is conferred? There are always those who don't like and don't want to be conferred, can't you?"
His last sentence actually carried a hint of unruly frivolity.

With his appearance like this, he is more like a man in the world, not the emperor.

Wanxi could only smile: "All right, all right, I can say anything."

The emperor stretched out his hand and pulled her over, trapping her in his arms: "I'm busy sending Huixian off for the last few days, so I didn't come to see you, do you miss me?"

Wanxi thought about it, nodded seriously, but shook her head again.

"No matter how much I miss my master, I am not in a hurry to compete with Concubine Huixian for the next few days. Concubine Huixian has been with the emperor for more than ten years, and the emperor should give him a good gift."

The emperor sighed softly and hugged her even tighter.

"They are all people who have been by my side since they were young, and they have lived with me all these years. They left at such a young age, and I can't help but think of myself... If the day when my master leaves, I will send you off." Who should it be?"
Wanxi was startled, and hurriedly raised her hand to press the emperor's mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense! My father will live a long life!"

The emperor smiled: "You are 16 years younger than my grandfather, so I can rest assured that I will see you off on the day my grandfather leaves."

Wanxi got up in shock, and without thinking about anything, she climbed up and blocked the emperor's mouth with her small mouth.

She kissed hard, as if she wanted to go back to what he just said.

Until she was out of breath, she fell into his arms and pressed against his heart: "No way! The slave will not be sent to the master, the master will live a long life, and in the future it will be the master who will send the slave..."

He also felt pain in his heart when he heard it, turned around and covered her, and tried his best to "punish" her.

Why do you need to think about things that are so far away?

What's more, he didn't dare to think about it at all, and he didn't dare to think that it was her who lost.Just thinking about it makes my liver and intestines broken.

(End of this chapter)

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