Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 600: Guessing Words

Chapter 600: Guessing Words (117 More)
The Great Seal of the Six Palaces, no matter whether it is sealed or not, it has nothing to do with one person: that is the queen.

After the passing of the imperial concubine Huixian, with the gradual arrival of spring, the complexion of the empress who lived in Changchun Palace improved day by day.The spring sun was bright on this day, and the newly promoted first-class women in the palace, Zhuchun and Huichun, were waiting to comb the queen's hair.

Zhuchun looked at the Queen's face, and couldn't help but said: "Hui Xian's imperial concubine passed away. I originally thought that the emperor was in great grief, but the emperor clearly sealed the six palaces three days after Huixian's death, so it can be seen that the emperor I didn't take the death of the imperial concubine Huixian very seriously in my heart."

"Emperor Huixian's death did not disturb the emperor's heart, but it disturbed the hearts of the six palaces."

Huichun brought some plain hairpins, and showed them to the queen through the mirror, and asked the queen to choose which one to wear.

While comparing, he said: "In the end, no matter who is awarded or not, it has nothing to do with our master. The master is the queen of the middle palace, so honorable and unassailable. Those who are fighting for positions, It's just that the concubines treat it as a sweet pastry, and it won't shake our master at all."

The queen glanced at Huichun from the mirror, but shook her head: "Put away all these hairpins. At this time, after all, the imperial concubine Huixian has just passed away, so this palace shouldn't be too fancy."

Huichun couldn't help being embarrassed: "Master, these are plain silver hairpins, how can there be any fancy?"

Hearing the movement inside, Wanchun still walked in, took the hairpins from Huichun, and told Zhuchun and Huichun to go down first.

The queen sighed: "I have always worn weeds and velvet flowers, why did they present these hairpins to me for comparison as if they had never seen them before... Let me get the weeds and flowers for me."

Zhuchun and Huichun are the same age as Nianchun, they were just little girls in the Changchun Palace back then, doing rough jobs in the yard.This time, it was because Wanxi and Xianchun had both left that they were promoted from rough envoys.Although they are all grown up, they are nineteen or twenty years old, but they have just entered the palace to serve closely, and often they don't know how to look at the queen's face.

Wan Chun was in a bit of a dilemma: "Master used to wear the flowers on her head, which were all made by the concubine herself. The master has ordered that now that the concubine is the master, those headwear flowers made by her are no longer suitable for wearing. They are all taken by the slave. Woke up... Now I can only ask for it from the House of Internal Affairs."
When the queen heard the word "ling concubine", she couldn't help looking at the mirror.

Wan Chun also saw it, and the queen frowned.

Wan Chun knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he hastily blessed himself: "This slave has slipped his words, please master to punish me."

Wanxi used to be a nobleman of Wei, so the palace could use the word "Wei nobleman" any way he wanted, and when Wanxi was promoted to concubine and given the title of "Ling", the queen was not happy every time she heard it.Therefore, both Wanchun and Nianchun are careful not to mention the word "ling concubine" as much as possible.If it is necessary to mention it, it is either deliberately mistakenly called "Wei Guiren" or "Wei Concubine".

Wanchun and Nianchun just couldn't figure out whether the queen was dissatisfied with Wanxi's promotion too quickly, or didn't like the title given to Wanxi by the emperor.

The queen also just sighed: "Forget it, I don't blame you. Lingbi... It seems that this title is going to be with her all the time. I just have to get used to it day by day."

It was only then that Wanchun realized that the empress still didn't like this title.

But... what happened to the word "Ling", why did the master dislike it so much?

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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