Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 671: Proud

Chapter 671: Proud (189 More)
Concubine Xian's eyes turned coldly, "As for Concubine Yu, she also gave birth to a fifth son. What's more, Concubine Yu used to be in the palace of Pure Concubine. They are both so blessed that they can give birth to a prince. The two are as close as sisters. If they join hands to punish me, I won't even know how I died... After all, both of them are more blessed than me, how dare I say who they are~"

"People themselves laugh at me, saying that I am only able to be what I am today because of the blessing of the three characters 'Cai Fujin' and the pity of the empress dowager. It is a pity that the words 'Cian Fujin' and the pity of the empress dowager... ...I admit this, if there is no empress dowager to protect her, the daughter-in-law, let alone a noble concubine, might even lose her original concubine position."
The empress dowager listened quietly, and couldn't help but sneer.

"That's all for Concubine Yu, she's from Mongolian Eight Banners, she's from an upright family background. The pure noble concubine is too big, she really forgot her identity more and more! She thinks she has the most imperial heirs in the harem, and now she's a noble concubine for the first time. This heart is a little unsteady."

The empress dowager narrowed her eyes: "The women in the harem are all greedy. Those who have no children want children; those who have children start counting on the position of crown prince! The reason why the pure noble concubine is so arrogant today is not that Because she gave birth too much! In my opinion, this pure noble concubine will not be able to reproduce in the future!"

The Empress Dowager turned her head to look at Anshou: "Let me tell you that I served the two princes in the Old Summer Palace in April to send the imperial doctor of the acne god, and that group of eunuchs came. The Ai family has something to ask."

An Shou was a little hesitant: "Back to the queen mother, it is not difficult to pass on the children of that family. It's just that they are always serving the prince to send the god of acne, and they will inevitably be infected with some sickness. Although it has been four or five months, But it's only been more than a month. Therefore, this servant always feels that it is not appropriate for the empress dowager to summon her directly."

The empress dowager squinted her eyes and thought for a while: "That's right. I'll hand over the screwdrivers to Shoushan for questioning first. If you find anything unusual, write down the confession and show it to the Ai family!"
Concubine Xian left Shoukang Palace with satisfaction, and went all the way back to her own Chengqian Palace.

This road is from west to east, and the journey is not short.

Concubine Xian was not in a hurry, so she asked the eunuch who was shouldering the burden to walk slowly.

She squinted her eyes thinking about something, with a smile on her lips.

It is said that we should hold together in this harem, we cannot fight alone.In recent years, she has also tried to hold a group with the pure concubine, and with the imperial concubine Huixian, but it is chilling to say, those people, they die, and they fall apart.After all, they are all unreliable, so she can't count on them.

But ah, she is lucky.Even without the imperial concubine Huixian and the noble concubine Chun, she could still go so firmly behind the empress dowager.With the empress dowager, it is naturally more useful than other people in the harem.In the future, she really doesn't need to cuddle with others, just relying on the empress dowager is enough.

Fortunately, when Concubine Shu first entered the palace, she was worried that the Empress Dowager would not care about her when Concubine Shu had her.After all, the relationship between Concubine Shu and the Empress Dowager is closer, and Concubine Shu can become someone the Empress Dowager trusts more.But it's time, Shu Pin may be young, or she may be from a famous family and was stunned by the teaching, so she doesn't seem to want to compete with others.Even when they came to the Shoukang Palace, they didn't seem to talk to the empress dowager personally, even the empress dowager became cold-hearted.

The news that the empress dowager wants to know can still only be obtained from her.

She couldn't do without the Empress Dowager, and the Empress Dowager couldn't do without her either.

 See you tomorrow.Thank you Cai for the red envelope + monthly pass, q_26mnts7l for the red envelope, and Xinqing 2009 for the flowers.

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  1 card: Xiaozhi, such as Qingfengjingjing, Shuiyouhan
(End of this chapter)

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