Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 672: Talking Plays

Chapter 672: Talking about Plays (190 More)
Concubine Xian was really happy with her thoughts, and she was even more confident about her next plan.Now that the Empress Dowager is about to order the Ministry of Internal Affairs to conduct a thorough investigation, why don't she take this opportunity to have a good time?
She turned to Tana and asked, "Which Minister of the House of Internal Affairs was in charge of the Old Summer Palace during April and May?"

Tana thought for a while: "Originally it was Fu Heng who was in charge of the Old Summer Palace. But at that time he was still in office in Shanxi, so other ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be in charge of him. Although Fu Heng was in office in Shanxi, but At that time, he had stepped forward in name but hadn't dismissed his position as the chief minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so even if someone managed the Old Summer Palace for him, it couldn't be someone with a lower rank than him. The servant thought, it should be the foreman of the Minister of Internal Affairs .”

Tana thought about it again: "In terms of the errands of the ministers in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the chief minister who ranks at the top is Xiugui's Mafu: Laibao."

"Come to protect?" Concubine Xian couldn't help laughing.

It's really going well today, and I can come to whatever I want.
When Concubine Xian returned to Chengqian Palace, she summoned noble ladies to speak.

"Other palaces are so lively, but our Chengqian Palace is deserted, so I can only count on you to tell me stories."

Feng Ge was startled: "What story did the imperial concubine ask the concubine to tell?"

Concubine Xian raised her chin: "We said earlier that all the palaces are singing big plays, and it was you who reminded me about the two sisters, Yipin. I just remembered today, didn't Xiao Bai's family also come from the garden?" Did you come from the palace?"

"The person who was in charge of the Old Summer Palace at that time should be your father Ma who came to protect it. Therefore, I recalled what you said, which is exactly what you have known about the story of Xiao Bai's family. Why don't you tell me the truth today? "

Feng Ge was stunned for a moment, then he had no choice but to lower his head, hiding his heart and letting out a sigh.

Speaking of which, her temperament is really quite similar to that of Concubine Xian, she is the master who can't hold back when she has something to say.Also because of the "phoenix" in the name, the heart can't help but be higher than the sky.

These few years she lived with Concubine Xian in the same palace, both of them were unfavored and lonely, so they just stared at each other every day.Day by day, looking at the other party as if he was looking at himself in the mirror, Feng Ge had some thoughts, and he couldn't hide it from Concubine Xian.

She had no choice but to sigh resignedly: "To tell you the truth, the imperial concubine, the emperor lived alone in the dormitory 'Jiuzhou Qingyan' during the vaccination period of the two princes, while the pure imperial concubine and concubine Yu both lived in 'Tiandi Family Spring', that's all. Did not live with the emperor."

Feng Ge narrowed his eyes: "Thus, if I think about it, Xiao Bai must have appeared in front of the emperor during this month. Maybe the emperor will be lonely during that whole month, so I will accept Xiao Bai~ "
"That's what I want!"

Concubine Xian giggled and sneered immediately: "Now there is a good strategy: the emperor is sick after all, and the sickness is most likely to be caught in the garden. Then none of the women who accompanied the emperor during that month will be able to escape." It doesn't matter!"

"I will sue Concubine Chun in front of the Empress Dowager first, and if I can't find out that it is Concubine Chun, then I will sue Concubine Yu... If both of them escape by chance, I will sue Xiaobai again!"

"In any case, let's make several of them feel uncomfortable about this incident!"

Concubine Xian sneered as she twirled the gold ring on her finger: "Anyway, during the east tour, there was a time when Concubine Yi was sick in the palace! Since this Xiao Bai is Concubine Yi's own sister, let the story go." When it comes to her, it makes the same sense!"

(End of this chapter)

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