Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 683: Miscalculation

Chapter 683: Miscalculation (201 More)
She hurried forward to see Emperor Gu Xian, but saw... Emperor Xian was holding a woman's bellyband in his hand.And the color and pattern, at first glance, belonged to Concubine Nian.

At that time, she lived in the late emperor's bedroom, but the late emperor would rather use Nian noble concubine's bellyband than show favor to her...

Time turns, and now that she is no longer a concubine who swallows her anger, she will never allow such a thing to happen to her son in the palace again!
The Empress Dowager thought about it, and then sneered again: "As we said just now, the material and embroidery work of this pearl curtain should be from the south of the Yangtze River. You see, the pure imperial concubine is a Han woman from the south of the Yangtze River; then Lu Changzai also The same is true!"

"Even if the concubine Ling is Baoyi with the Han surname, she seems to have an older brother who works in weaving in the south of the Yangtze River...so the three of them are inseparable!"

The empress dowager slapped the table heavily: "I'm getting old, and the emperor always said that he wanted me to take care of my life and not worry about the messy things in the harem. I listened to the emperor's words. It has been ten years since the emperor ascended the throne. I don’t care if I can ignore it, I can’t hear it if I can’t hear it... But look, this harem has turned them into a mess!"

"It's all right for them to plot against each other, but now they dare to plot against the emperor! The good emperor has such pimples all over his body now. Even if it falls into the medical case, how dare he mention it as scabies! It must be the Ai family's decree, ordering them to translate 'scab' into 'boil'! Otherwise, what will the emperor become in the history books after a hundred years?!"

An Shou also lowered his head and sighed, not daring to speak.

The Empress Dowager sneered, "Tell them to check, let Ai Jiazai check it carefully! Especially the three of them, Concubine Chun, Concubine Ling, and Lu Changzai. Even in their bedroom, I have to dig three feet to find them all. Come here. This time the emperor stopped them, but the Ai family will not allow them!"
A storm swept silently, covering the sky above the Forbidden City.

It's just that the downpour hadn't waited for it to fall, but a gust of wind suddenly came and dispersed the dark clouds.

But before the empress dowager officially began to secretly investigate the matter, another news came from the Hall of Mental Cultivation: The emperor issued an order to prepare for the fall.


When the news spread to Chengqian Palace, Concubine Xian, who had been on fire and waiting for the Yuanmingyuan to come out, was so annoyed that she took the case.

"Why do you want to go to Qiuxi at this time? The empress dowager must go together, so can you still check what's going on in the garden?"

Feng Ge was also disappointed, "Your Majesty is really strange. I have been ill this year. I just said that I have just recovered. The imperial doctor even told me to rest for several months before I can recover, but my Majesty still wants to go to the autumn..."

Feng Ge cast a glance at Concubine Xian, "Even though it is the emperor's own rule to return to autumn every two years, this year is always a special case, so it can be abolished once!"

Concubine Xian narrowed her eyes slightly.

"You're right, the emperor fell ill this time, it's really weird. If you and I had such an illness, why didn't we investigate the source? Don't you worry that someone murdered Shengjia? What a sin it would be , how can we appease?!"

"But I don't think the emperor himself has checked it at all. It seems that he still has to cover it up to prevent the empress dowager from checking it. This is weird~"

Feng Ge lowered his head: "From my concubine's point of view, the emperor may not want to make trouble when he comes, fearing that someone will take this opportunity to do something;" Feng Ge couldn't help but sneak a glance at Concubine Xian when he said this.Isn't this actually talking about the two of them themselves?

"Secondly... the emperor himself knows how his illness came about."

(End of this chapter)

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