Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 684: Muddy Waters

Chapter 684: Muddy Waters (202 More)
Concubine Xian couldn't help squinting her eyes: "You're right. The emperor must know what's going on! If so, the emperor is deliberately covering it up!"

In July, Shengjia had not set off yet, but the battle report came from the southwest first: the two chieftains in Sichuan who were facing each other rebelled, and the emperor ordered troops to conquer them.

Although the Southwest is already using troops, the emperor still did not change the original arrangement, and then officially decreed that this year is the year of autumn.Even though the emperor was sick, he had already recovered at this time, and he was still in autumn as usual.
Every autumn, it takes at least two or three months to go.Wanxi is reluctant to let go, but it is difficult to follow her, and she can only feel sad quietly.

Yuqin persuaded her: "Since the emperor came to the throne, this is only the third time to visit Qiuxi. You followed the previous two times, and the scenery of your two times, the more I think about it, the more I understand it. If you don't go this time, you will be happy." Don't go, it's rare to ask you to stay and rest."

Wanxi turned her head and hugged Yuqin: "But I made my sister unable to go. In the next three months, my sister will not be able to see the emperor."

Yuqin laughed: "Look at what you said! It's like when the emperor was in the palace, he would look at me more. To me, it doesn't make any difference whether the emperor is in Beijing or not."

Yuqin gritted her teeth lightly as she said: "It's cheaper for the Queen, Concubine Jia and the others."

The situation is obvious, because the pure imperial concubine has an imperial heir in her belly, she must not be able to accompany her.But the queen is bound to go, so the only thing left is the miserable concubine Xian to "sit in charge" in the palace again.

Wanxi lowered her head: "Although we are not feeling well in our hearts, I think that Concubine Xian will feel even more uncomfortable than us."

Yuqin also raised her eyebrows: "You're right! This time, the pure concubine who is pregnant with the child is left in the palace again. If concubine Xian has the temperament...she must be vomiting blood again!"

"This is just another chess game arranged by the empress." Wanxi raised her eyes: "The empress has gone with the emperor and the empress dowager, but there are two noble concubines left in the palace to kill each other. No matter who the two are, If something goes wrong, it will not do any harm to the Queen."

Yuqin also narrowed her eyes: "It depends on who stays in the palace as the concubine. I am afraid that Concubine Jia will want to go no matter what, so it depends on whether Concubine Yu stays. At that time, everything may depend on Yu It's my concubine's, whoever she gravitates towards may have a better chance of winning."
Wanxi lowered her head, opened her sleeves, and looked at her arms.
"Look, sister, will I be fully healed during the two or three months of the emperor's autumn?"

Yuqin nodded: "Your pulse case has been quietly sent back to the palace through Master Jiu. The imperial doctor in the palace will give you a prescription after reading it. It has been very effective in the past month, Master Jiu also said The imperial doctor said, as long as you rest in peace like this, you will be fine before October."

"October." Wanxi repeated: "In this way, it happens to be the time when the emperor returns in autumn."

Wanxi suddenly turned her head and smiled at Xiang Yuqin: "If I live up to it, it will be great if I can recover a month or two earlier. Then we can go back to the palace earlier~~"

Yuqin was slightly taken aback: "You want to go back to the palace early, is it because you want to go to that muddy water?"

Wanxi's eyes were quiet: "When is this harem not a pool of muddy water? This time, the emperor will take away most of the people, and there are only a few left in the palace, so it is easy to deal with it. It is also called I checked them carefully."

Wanxi clenched her fingertips lightly: "My illness this time is not in vain. Who is behind this, I must find out."

(End of this chapter)

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