Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 700 Chapter 2 Volume 218

Chapter 700 Volume Two 218 (15 more)
It is reasonable for Yuqin to be so careful.

After all, Wanxi left with an illness. Although it is not certain whether the pure noble concubine already knew about Wanxi's illness, Wanxi came to visit the pure noble concubine just after she came back. Don't you have to rely on Wanxi again?
At this time, it is not clear who is behind the design, so even anyone has to be more careful.

Besides... no matter what, the emperor's heir is the most important thing.Always be a little more careful, so as not to overwhelm the child in that womb.

After listening to Yuqin's explanation, Concubine Chun also nodded and smiled: "Sister Ling concubine must be thinking too much. Who doesn't know that since my sister entered the harem, the younger sister has given the most grace in this harem? The emperor hasn't seen my sister for a while, where is it?" Just fell out of favor? It's just because the emperor is sick."

"Besides, not only did the emperor not see his sister, but no one in the harem could see the emperor~"

Wan Xi was taken aback: "Oh? Why did Concubine Chun say that?"

Concubine Chun shrugged her shoulders: "The queen sent an order to tell us not to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The flip sign in the respect room will be avoided, and please be safe. Except that the queen will move to the East Nuan Pavilion of the Hall of Mental Cultivation to take care of her. We also haven't seen the emperor for several months."

Fu Heng had already told Wanxi about the Queen's move to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and Wanxi already knew it well.

Wanxi and Yuqin quietly met each other's eyes, then smiled: "The empress should also be sympathetic to the imperial concubine, and if you don't ask for peace, it is also to let the imperial concubine feel at ease to raise the baby."

Concubine Chun laughed so hard that she leaned back and forth.

Although she has a big belly, but because she has already given birth to two, she is not so cautious this time, even if she laughs like this, she doesn't mind.

Wanxi and Yuqin also laughed together.That's right, to say that the empress's arrangement is for the sake of the pure imperial concubine sounds like a joke, and it's worth laughing out loud.

The pure imperial concubine laughed enough to look Wanxi up and down: "...But to be honest, I just heard that the concubine Ling moved to the garden. I thought that the concubine Ling was happy. The emperor was afraid that his sickness would also make her sick." Pass it to my sister's child."

"But depending on the situation, I guessed wrong."
Wanxi was so embarrassed that she could only smile apologetically: "How can a concubine be as lucky as a noble concubine?"

Concubine Chun couldn't help turning her eyes, and regardless of Wanxi's intentional retreat, she came closer, and she lowered her voice and said, "... I gave my sister that prescription, so it's possible that my sister hasn't used it yet? See, my sister. , this is the third one in my stomach, which proves that the prescription must be useful. How come my sister has been blessed by grace for so long, but there is still no movement?"

Wanxi had no choice but to smile awkwardly: "...Maybe I am still young. When I reach the age of a noble concubine, I will be able to have the blessing of a noble concubine, right?"

Concubine Chun couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "That's right, Sister Ling is still young after all, so she never thought about it too much. You are also loyal, I believe you will have future blessings."
Because Wanxi and Yuqin had to go to another palace to pay their respects, they did not stay in Zhongcui Palace for long.Concubine Chun also understood, so she didn't stop her.

When the two walked out of Zhongcui Palace, they both felt a little unhappy.

Yuqin couldn't help snorting softly: "Who doesn't know that she is the most fertile concubine in the harem now, so why bother to show off her belly in front of you and me? Don't tell me it wasn't on purpose, how could she I don’t know that you and I have nothing to do!”

"Sister, don't worry." Wanxi raised her eyes and looked at the long night ahead: "If a person is proud, he will inevitably forget his form, and no one can avoid it. At this time, it doesn't matter if I show off or not, the important thing is for me to see clearly. Is it her who killed me?"

(End of this chapter)

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