Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 701 Chapter 2 Volume 219

Chapter 701 Volume Two 219 (16 more)
"Then do you think she is the one who hurt you?" Yuqin asked.

Wanxi lowered her head: "It's still the same sentence: If a person is proud, he will inevitably forget his form. You can see that she can't help but beam in front of people now. How can such a person make such a seamless arrangement? Besides, she Now that I am pregnant with a child, my energy and brainpower should not be enough."

Yuqin also nodded: "I think so too. Even if it's for her own child to accumulate blessings, she won't be so harmful when she's pregnant."

Zhongcui Palace and Chengqian Palace are next to each other from north to south, so they didn't ask Jianyu to follow, and they had already reached the gate of Chengqian after walking like this.Wanxi smiled quietly: "I don't rush to draw conclusions, let's pay a visit to Concubine Xian first."

Yuqin also seemed to smile knowingly.If it is said to be ruthless, Concubine Xian is more likely than Concubine Chun at this time.
Concubine Xian sat upright in the main hall, staring at the two people before they entered the hall, and solemnly gave her the big gift.Wanxi sits apart, squatting in front; Yuqin is slightly behind Wanxi.

After receiving the gift from the two of them, Concubine Xian smiled and said: "I'll come back when I come back. After all, the garden is not a good place! The emperor got sick there, and since you came back from there, you should take care of yourself." Check it out, don't come back with any sickness."

As Concubine Xian said, she purposely covered her nose with a handkerchief in her hand.

Wanxi looked back slightly, and met Yuqin's eyes.

When their eyes met, Wanxi and Yuqin were both guessing the implication of Concubine Xian's words: Firstly, Concubine Xian might think that Concubine Chun was taking advantage of the opportunity of delivering acne in the garden to pick on the emperor, and that's why got this child;
Secondly, the Xiaobai family also took over from the garden, which attracted the attention of Concubine Xian.Concubine Xian has always been so intolerant of sand in her eyes, anyone who has the slightest chance of being favored will be in the way of her eyes.

Three times... Look at her blocking her nose with a veil, could it be that she already knows about Wanxi's illness?

Regardless of whether there is a third meaning in Concubine Xian's words, but her intentional movement of twisting the handkerchief to block her nose really annoyed Wanxi.

Wanxi lowered her head and smiled lightly: "Why did the noble concubine Xian say that the garden is not a good place? The Old Summer Palace used to be a garden gifted by the late emperor, and the emperor also met the holy grandfather in the old summer garden. Since the late emperor and the emperor came to the throne, they have allocated money to repair the Old Summer Palace year after year , now the garden is beautiful. If the emperor hadn't been ill this year, I believe the emperor should have moved to Yuanmingyuan to spend the summer."
Every word of Wanxi's words made sense, and Concubine Xian couldn't help squinting her eyes.

Unexpectedly, this Ling concubine had just returned from the garden, and this first time they met, she had the guts to confront her face to face!

Concubine Xian sneered repeatedly: "Ling concubine used to be eloquent when she was an official woman, but now she is enfeoffed as an official woman, and relying on her position as a concubine, she has become more and more unscrupulous in her speech and behavior!"

"You are a woman from the queen's palace, and you have learned your eloquence from the queen's palace. It's just that the queen may like your talkative appearance, but this palace doesn't like it! Since you are here today Chengqian Palace came to greet you, then you should put away your appearance in front of this palace! Not everyone is a queen and likes your appearance!"

"You are in your palace, and you can be eloquent to the slaves in your own palace. I want to remind you, in front of the dignified person, take back your articulate words, and be careful to bring disaster on yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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