Chapter 2301
In addition to these, what Yue Yushu and his wife value most is the deep love between Marquis Yingwu and his wife, which will directly affect their children. Woman pit.

And Yingwuhou and his wife are also reasonable, people don't offend me, I don't offend others, such a person is not difficult to get along with, all signs show that Yingwuhou's mansion is the best choice for her daughter.

But Yingwuhou refused to agree to this marriage, so he had no choice but to force his daughter into Yingwuhou's mansion?Don't say he can't do it, even if he really did it, he might be despised.

Alas, I really can't refuse, the Xian Wang is not very bad. After getting married, he has no wife and lives in the Xian Wang's mansion, and the queen mother lives in the palace. She doesn't see her every day, she sees her every now and then, maybe she won't be too angry, right?

Lu Anlang returned to the mansion, and told Jiang Caiyue what Gao Siyuan said. Jiang Caiyue thought of Yue Qitong's cute little face, and liked it very much. Although he was not a very smart child, he was also pleasing, and married the virtuous king Bailiyu. In fact, it is also a very good marriage.I think the reason why Yue's family is troubled by this is because of the queen mother's unreliable future mother-in-law.

Jiang Caiyue smiled, "Looks like I have to be more self-disciplined in the future, otherwise it would be a crime to really affect the children's marriage."

Lu Anlang showed his white teeth with a smile, "You have a good reputation, and now there are many people who want to marry their daughters to our Bao'er. If you hadn't let out the news that the children's marriages are up to them, the threshold of our family would have been so high." It's going to be trampled down."

Just as they were talking, Bao'er rushed in from the outside, Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang were wondering why Bao'er came back from the palace so early, Bao'er shouted as soon as he entered the door: "Daddy, mother, I will never come back from tomorrow!" I went to study in the palace."

"Who is this mad at you?" Jiang Caiyue took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off Bao'er's head who rushed into her arms, seeing his excited face, she didn't know what she had suffered in the palace school gas.

However, would anyone in the palace school dare to anger him?Don't look at those are princes, but they are very close to Bao'er.Especially Bai Lixiong, no matter how Bao'er thinks he is not pleasing to the eye, he will always pamper and protect Bao'er, just like a big brother.

Bao'er shook his head, "Did the Queen Mother get kicked by a donkey today? She brought a few eldest princesses to the palace school early in the morning, saying that the eldest princesses have also reached the age of study, and asked them to study together. But this is also It's against the rules. Except for Bai Lixiong and the others, we are all outsiders, right? I'm only six years old, but Cheng Fan and the others are nine years old. They study with the eldest princesses, and the queen mother doesn't know what to do. Heart."

After finishing speaking, Bao'er pouted and sulked, and when she got angry, she said again: "Mother, you didn't see, those princesses are outrageous, and they didn't listen to Taifu Xue's lectures in class, they only knew how to be mischievous." , and threw paper balls at Bao’er’s head.”

"Are you sure you threw paper balls?" Jiang Caiyue didn't quite believe that the eldest princesses would really make trouble in the boring dungeon school.

Bao'er handed the ball of paper taken out from the palace school as evidence to Jiang Caiyue, "Mother, don't you believe me? This is the ball of paper that Princess Jingxian used to hit me."

Jiang Caiyue, the eldest princess of Jingxian, has seen it before. Although her biological mother is not favored, she is a eldest princess after all, and she is also very domineering. She is only seven years old this year, but she is notoriously savage in and out of the palace.

Jiang Caiyue took the ball of paper and opened it two or three times. As she expected, she saw a line written on the ball of paper, asking Bao'er to wait for her in Hede Hall after school. She had something to say to Bao'er. Son said.

(End of this chapter)

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