Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2302 The Empress Dowager Jumping Up and Down

Chapter 2302 The Empress Dowager Jumping Up and Down

Jiang Caiyue was furious after reading the note. Obviously, the purpose of the Queen Mother sending these eldest princesses to the palace school was not simple, and in the palace school, apart from those attendants, Bao'er was the only one who was not a member of the royal family. , the relationship with those eldest princesses is not brother and brother, and I don't know if I want them to cultivate feelings with Bao'er, or just want to make some troubles.

It seems that she has put a lot of thought into getting the virtuous king to marry Yue Qitong, and Bao'er can be regarded as lying on the ground.

Jiang Caiyue handed the ball of paper to Lu Anlang, Lu Anlang didn't look too good after seeing it, and asked, "Since that's the case, why don't you let Bao'er go to the palace school tomorrow?"

"What else are you going to do? If you go again, I don't know how you will be counted. Bao'er, tomorrow mother will take you out to play, and later let your father find you a husband and study at home. We will not go to that palace school in the future. "

Jiang Caiyue's face was full of anger. This era is very feudal. In Jiang Caiyue's view, this paper ball is not like the problem of puppy love among her previous students. That is to say, Bao'er is still very innocent and doesn't understand what the paper ball represents. If it gets out and people know that the eldest princess threw a note to him and asked him to meet in private, it will have an impact on him in the future.It seems that I have no choice but to not go to the palace school.

Bao'er was not happy at all, and murmured softly: "But Bao'er is reluctant to part with his cousins, and Fang Qi is afraid of failing if he doesn't have Bao'er's supervision."

"Still thinking about other people at this time? After being disturbed by them, is the palace school still a place to study? I really can't bear to walk around more. Our children are not calculated by others."

Angrily, Jiang Caiyue took out the fire folder and burned the note. After burning it, she said to Lu Anlang, "This Queen Mother, if I didn't think she is Hao'er's mother, I would have..."

Jiang Caiyue didn't finish the next sentence, but looking at the table smashed by her punch, Lu Anlang and Bao'er both sweated for the queen mother who fell in love with jumping up and down, thinking that her body is not as strong as the pear tree table Be strong!
On the second day, Bao'er did not go to the palace school, and Taifu Xue sighed when he saw Bao'er's empty seat.The small actions of those eldest princesses yesterday were not evasive at all, how could he not see them?It was just because he was afraid that it would be bad to talk about these things, so he refrained from having a fit, but he could see very clearly that those eldest princesses came here for Bao'er.He also picked up one of the paper balls they threw and opened it, and it turned out that they were asking Bao'er to go to a private meeting after school. Where did these eldest princesses come to study?It's all about catching this little prince from Yingwuhou's mansion to be his son-in-law.

Because Bao'er didn't come to study in the palace, Grand Tutor Xue didn't want to give lectures, so after letting the little princes study by themselves, they came to see the emperor directly, and told the emperor what happened from yesterday to today, Hao'er was also a little annoyed.

He asked Taifu Xue to teach the little prince and Bao'er to read, not entirely for the purpose of restraining them, he really wanted these younger brothers to become talents and become his right-hand man in the future, but being so disturbed by the queen mother, could it be that in the palace school? Want to be a mess?

The most important thing is that those eldest princesses are all for Bao'er, which makes him the most unbearable.

In the eyes of outsiders, these eldest princesses are all noble and extraordinary, but in Haoer's eyes, Baoer is the child he brought up, and he is his cousin in terms of seniority, but in his eyes, there is no difference between him and his own son However, none of those ignorant eldest princesses are worthy of Bao'er.

Hao'er got angry, and immediately issued an order to expel those eldest princesses who were sent by the queen mother to tease Bao'er from the palace school, and sent them all to the queen mother.

As for Bao'er who doesn't want to come to the palace school to study, let him rest for a few days. It is very hard for the children to study for so long. It's not too late to come back to study after my son's relaxation is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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