Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2304 Main Labor Force

Chapter 2304 Main Labor Force

But the queen mother is unreasonable, and no one dares to speak ill of the queen mother in front of others. They are all watching her jokes in private.

What about the Queen Mother?The emperor didn't kiss her, and she couldn't control the empress either. She just took advantage of her status as empress dowager to bully and bully their concubines. This also showed that she insisted on living a miserable life.

However, the performance of the eldest princess also made these concubines and concubines very embarrassed. Before, they taught them how to win over men, but when they came to the palace school, they couldn't calm down when they saw someone courting Bao'er first?Is it a shame to be kicked out?All these years of teaching them how to win people's hearts is in vain.

At this time, the Yingwuhou Mansion was full of joy. Bao'er did not go to the palace school, and the palace school also announced the suspension of classes for a period of time. Bao'er can play at home with peace of mind. For a child who is only six years old, he can't tell me If you love learning and the like, for Bao'er, there is nothing more fun than playing.

Dani Erni looked at her brother who was already having fun, and couldn't hide her doting smile.If she didn't know that her two daughters lived in the space from conception to birth and were nourished by the space and were smarter than others, Jiang Caiyue would have suspected that these two children were reborn.

Bao'er rode on a pony and waved to the two younger sisters. Although the two younger sisters were not very interested in riding horses, they couldn't bear to let his brother down, so they each rode a pony.Although it has only been a year, the pony has been bred in the space for several generations, and the number of pony bred in the space is now as many as twelve. In another year, it is estimated that there will be at least nearly a hundred pony.

A few days ago, I sold two horses, one of which was sold for a thousand taels of gold. This is also a very good source of income, but rare is more expensive, Jiang Caiyue did not want to sell large quantities of ponies, but At that time, putting these pony horses in the racecourse will also attract many children who come to ride horses. It costs ten taels of silver for half an hour to ride. Although not everyone can afford to ride, there are still many rich people.

The three children galloped on the bluestone road in Yingwuhou's mansion where they specially trained to ride ponies for children. Fortunately, these ponies are very gentle and the children's riding skills are not bad, so there is no need to worry about them falling off.

Jiang Caiyue kept an eye on the children while chatting with Mrs. Li, rubbing the pills in her hands.

Madam Li said: "Over the past few days, Madam's house is rubbing this kind of pills, but they are going to be sold in pharmacies?"

Jiang Caiyue just laughed, "It's not about sending it to the pharmacy. Recently, Liang Guo has received a lot of orders from Fanbang. We need too many pills. Only those people in the pharmaceutical factory can't handle it, so I let someone get it." Some medicinal materials will be boiled in the mansion to make pills, and then sent to the pharmaceutical factory, and the wages will be calculated according to the number of pills everyone rubs, although there are not many, it can be regarded as sharing the worries of the queen."

What Jiang Caiyue didn't say was that the amount of pills she took didn't seem to be much, but the pills she sent out were far more than those rubbed by the servants in the mansion. The main labor force was the pharmaceutical machine in the space. When the machine opened the pills, it was really buzzing This is why she asked Gao Yingnan to build a pharmaceutical factory but didn't recruit too many workers. As long as there are pharmaceutical machines in her space, labor is not needed at all.

There are also some new secret recipes that only she and Gao Yingnan know about. These medicines can only be produced in her space. The main production force is the machine, and the main labor force is monkeys. Leakage, after reducing a lot of costs, can ensure low drug prices.

(End of this chapter)

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