Chapter 2305

Of course, if the order is bigger in the future, Jiang Caiyue and Gao Yingnan will still choose to take out some medicines and hire workers to make them, but the cost of medicines will be relatively higher, and the price of medicines will also rise, but it also solves the problem of some people. Employment issues can be considered both pros and cons.

Mrs. Li smiled: "I said that the girls in the Hou's Mansion don't even want to take a break. So they are paid for wages. If I have nothing to do later, I will also come over to help Madam rub the pills together."

Jiang Caiyue glanced at her helplessly, "Mrs. Li is really good at joking, how much money can I earn by rubbing pills? Even ordinary people can earn a living. If Mrs. Li really wants to earn those three melons and two dates, why not give them to me?" Mrs. Li pointed out another way."

Mrs. Li saw that Jiang Caiyue didn't seem to be joking, and knew that she wanted to help her to earn some personal money.Speaking of which, their Li family is not short of money. For generals guarding the border like them, no one would believe anyone who is poor. After all, everyone knows the rules behind the scenes, and these money can be regarded as earned with their lives. , as long as someone is not deliberately framed, the emperor will not comment on it.

But who would think too much money?Especially after General Li was transferred back to the capital, there were a lot fewer ways to get money. Although the family had a few shops, there were also many children and places to spend money. When they heard that there was money to be made, Madam Li went She regained her spirits, "I don't know what else Madam said?"

Jiang Caiyue smiled mysteriously, "Madam Li, have you ever heard of medicinal food?"

Mrs. Li nodded, "Of course I have heard of it. I often ask the kitchen to make some medicinal meals, but my cook knows only those kinds, and I get tired of eating it."

Jiang Caiyue smiled, "The real medicated diet is not something you can eat just as you say it. It's okay for some to strengthen the body, but for those who treat diseases, it won't be counterproductive if you don't eat well? The medicated diet I'm talking about is not faster than medicine, but If you eat it according to the symptoms, not only will it not harm the body, but it can also cure the disease, and the taste will naturally not be bad. Moreover, every person who eats the medicinal food must have a doctor to check the pulse before cooking, according to the pulse Eat, otherwise, if you eat casually, you may have a big problem."

"That's good. I wonder if Madam wants to eat at home, or open a restaurant?"

Mrs. Li is very interested. She is a person who loves to eat. If the herbal diet is really like what Jiang Caiyue said, it can cure diseases and is delicious enough. Anyway, she is eating it. She is very willing to eat the medicinal diet.

And when Jiang Caiyue mentioned the medicinal diet to her, it must have been not casually. Jiang Caiyue said to let her do other things before, it seems that it has something to do with the medicinal diet.

Jiang Caiyue smiled and said, "You can talk about restaurants or private houses. I wonder if Mrs. Li is interested?"

Mrs. Li nodded quickly, "Of course I'm interested, but I don't know anything about medicinal food, so what should I do then?"

"Madam Li doesn't have to worry about these things. I will find a few students with good medical skills from Baicao Hall to help Madam Li. They will check the pulse of the guests before prescribing prescriptions. Madam Li only needs to take care of them." Two will do."

Mrs. Li is overjoyed. Jiang Caiyue's meaning is obvious. She just needs to pay those doctors. There is no business that Caiyue wants to do that does not make money.

As for why such a good thing would happen to her, Mrs. Li believes that Jiang Caiyue is now famous in Liang Guoda, and she does not make money alone. In order to prevent her from standing on the cusp of being jealous, she should give She will not be stingy with other people's opportunities to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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