Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2306 It's better to drink 2 cups

Chapter 2306 It's better to have two drinks
But regardless of whether Jiang Caiyue asked her to make herbal meals to help her make money, or to divert other people's jealousy, Mrs. Li will not miss this opportunity to make money. I don't know how many people in the capital want to hug Jiang Caiyue's thighs and make a fortune , She would be a fool if she really missed it.

At worst, after making money, she reciprocates, just remembering Jiang Caiyue's kindness.

Bao'er took his two younger sisters for countless laps on the racecourse in the garden. In the end, he was sweating profusely from exhaustion, but he was still full of energy. Nierni watched and clapped her hands, shouting: "Brother is the best! Brother is the best!"

Mrs. Li was amazed, "Your Bao'er is really amazing. She is only a young child, and she has too much energy. If my child was like this when he was young, wouldn't it exhaust me to death?"

Jiang Caiyue just laughed. The children in her family have grown up eating the ingredients in the space since they were young. Of course, they are full of energy. It is indeed a headache to outsiders. Fortunately, the children are sensible and obedient. Naughty is naughty, but they are more naughty than ordinary children. Don't worry.

After lunch, Mrs. Li said goodbye and left. Of course, she also wanted to go back and prepare the shop. Naturally, it is better to make money sooner rather than later.

Here, Mrs. Li left the General's Mansion to find a shop and a cook, while Jiang Caiyue sent someone to go to Baicao Hall to pick some doctors with good medical skills to come over tomorrow.

Except for the first batch of students from Baicao Hall, in the past two years, some people who are doctors themselves have been recruited to form advanced training classes. The rest of the students are all children who have studied at around ten years old. From the teaching of medical skills, the years with the best memory are also the most solid skills learned.

Although these children are still young now, in a few years, they will be the group with the most outstanding medical skills. Now that there are so many hospitals built in Liang State, what is most lacking is such talents.

And Jiang Caiyue asked Mrs. Li to cook herbal diet because she wanted to let the people know that medicine is not as good as food, and taking more care on weekdays is more useful than taking medicine when you are seriously ill.

Although it is impossible for people all over the street to know how to make too advanced herbal diets, Jiang Caiyue will let Mrs. Li post some basic health-preserving meals and supplementary meals in front of the store, and everyone will be fascinated by them. can learn.And the doctors who were sent there can also provide free diagnosis and treatment, and then prescribe a prescription. If you don't want to eat in the store, you can go home and cook it yourself.

Will there still be money to be made in this way?Jiang Caiyue is not worried at all, as long as the medicinal food is well prepared, it will still attract many people, not to mention that the main consumers of Mrs. Li's shop are facing the dignitaries in the capital, and they are afraid that the food they eat is not expensive enough and will lose face , the price has reached a certain level, and the taste is good. Are you afraid that no one will come to eat it?
And Jiang Caiyue also plans to provide the ingredients used in Mrs. Li's medicated food shop, her ingredients, and the medicated food that has been promoted, so that the price will not be lower at that time, and I am not afraid that no one will come to eat it.

When Lu Anlang saw Xu Taiping who was restless when he went to court, he observed him in secret, and saw him frowning from time to time, with anger flashing in his eyes, and a little impatient from time to time, as if he was arguing with others.

Presumably, it was very similar to the reply from the person sent out before. This new champion has hysteria.

When going down to court, Lu Anlang called Xu Taiping to stop from behind.Xu Taiping was startled for a moment, then turned around and saw that it was Lu Anlang, he hurriedly greeted Lu Anlang, Lu Anlang smiled and said: "Master Xu, today is a good day, how about going for a drink or two?"

(End of this chapter)

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