Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2307 Contact for a while before talking

Chapter 2307

Marquis Yingwu please drink two cups, anyone would agree with ecstasy, but Xu Taiping pondered.

He is not Lu Anlang, no one cares about whether he goes to court every day, no one cares whether he goes home or goes to work after court, since he entered the Imperial Academy, he has been so busy every day that he can't sleep enough.The adults in the Hanlin Academy are very lofty and stubborn, and they all wish to grow up to do their own things well. Naturally, he is not good at being different, and this kind of busyness can make him ignore the annoying voice, and he gradually gets used to it. .

But today Lu Anlang made an appointment, and he couldn't refuse, but it's just that he's drinking this early in the morning?Xu Taiping, who has never been too fond of drinking, hesitated a little. He can't drink enough. If he utters the truth after drinking, and then says something that shouldn't be said... the voice in his head is always saying that Lu Anlang and Jiang Caiyue are not good people. Leaving his secret would kill him.

Although he thought that voice was lying, his life was his, and he didn't want to use it to test the cruelty of others.

Seeing Xu Taiping's expression of not wanting to drink but somehow refusing, Lu Anlang said with a smile: "If Mr. Xu doesn't want to drink, you can have a cup of tea."

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Every time Xu Taiping faced Lu Anlang, he had the urge to tell what happened to him, but he was afraid that what the voice said was true.

He thinks he can keep this secret, but Marquis Yingwu may not believe it, and if he and that voice are together, what should we do if we settle it once and for all?
But after being tortured for so long, he doesn't know what to do. Lu Anlang invites him to drink or drink tea. He also wants to get in touch with Yingwuhou and learn more about Yingwuhou so that he can make plans for himself.

Coming out of the palace, Lu Anlang took Xu Taiping back to Yingwuhou Mansion, which surprised Xu Taiping.Before Yingwuhou and his wife were not in Jinchi, he came to Yingwuhou's mansion many times. In fact, he wanted to see Yuxiang more at that time, but when Yuxiang came back, he was unfortunately entangled by something No, I dare not speak my heart.

The doctors that Jiang Caiyue sent to find came to the mansion early in the morning. Jiang Caiyue was showing them the prescriptions, explaining them while reading, because Jiang Caiyue would go to Baicao Hall to give lectures from time to time, these doctors He respects Jiang Caiyue very much, Jiang Caiyue is willing to teach them now, and they listen attentively.

Jiang Caiyue talked for a while, took a sip of tea and said: "You guys watch here first, write down anything you don't understand, and I'll come back later."

Several doctors sent Jiang Caiyue away respectfully, and then they devoted themselves to learning the medicinal recipes Jiang Caiyue gave them here.Each prescription has Jiang Caiyue's comments on the back, how to use it, and the amount used are also explained in detail. They are all medical students, so they can understand without Jiang Caiyue's explanation.

Drink tea and eat some snacks when you are thirsty. Fortunately, when Jiang Caiyue sent someone to ask this time, they grabbed the job first.Although they don't sit down as doctors, they can help more people with medicated diet, and they are quite satisfied with this job.

Jiang Caiyue went to the medical clinic in front to see how Dr. Zhan and Dr. Xu were busy, and also gave advice to the apprentices.Now Baicaotang is teaching future doctors, Jiang Caiyue thinks it seems possible to train a group of nurses.

Now Haoer is sending people to use Rongbing's method to make glass. As long as the glass is made, Jiang Caiyue believes that it is possible to make injection needles, and the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine will be more effective in treating diseases.

Of course, it will take two days to find time to meet with Rong Bing, and then guide her to bring it up, so that I can accept the suggestion graciously.

(End of this chapter)

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