Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2311 The People Who Are Missing

Chapter 2311 The People Who Are Missing
After eating, Lu Anlang did not let Xiao Hao leave the Hou Mansion, but arranged for him a room in the front guest room, so as to prevent Xiao Hao from jumping over the wall in a hurry and having other evil thoughts.

Seeing Lu Anlang come back, Jiang Caiyue asked about Xu Taiping, Lu Anlang nodded, "He said, that Xiao Hao is in his body, torturing him every day, but I guess that Xiao Hao seized the house before. First of all, he said that he was a fairy or something to confuse people, and then he used the greed of the owner of the body to ask the original owner to hand over the body to him first, so that he could take the body back in a grandiose way. Although Xu Taiping is a scholar, But he is determined, and Xiao Hao has not succeeded for so long."

"Are you sure what Xu Taiping said is true? It's not about being possessed by Xiao Hao?"

"I'd like to believe what he said, otherwise he wouldn't have said that you have space. If it were Xiao Hao, he would secretly try to get the space, right?"

"But what if he wants us to lower our vigilance?"

Lu Anlang shook his head, "No, Xiao Hao is very cautious and small, he won't reveal such a secret just to win our trust, what if we want to kill people to silence it?"

The husband and wife looked at each other, and after a long time, Jiang Caiyue sighed: "Then Xiao Hao is really annoying. Although Xu Taiping has said it all, how can we deal with him? The only thing that is certain now is that Xiao Hao can't force him to leave." Xu Taiping's soul cannot be separated from Xu Taiping's body, but we can't help force his soul out, if he leaves, how can he find a new target?"

Lu Anlang also had a headache. Although he made Xu Taiping feel at ease, he really had no other choice but to think things better, "Maybe Xiao Hao will disappear by himself after a while."

Jiang Caiyue thought that Lu Anlang was just comforting himself, how could such a good thing happen?If Xiao Hao died so easily, he would not be the number one enemy that caused headaches for all bases in the last days.

Xu Taiping temporarily stayed in Yingwuhou's mansion, just waiting for Lu Anlang and Jiang Caiyue to find a way to help him drive away the evil spirits that bothered him.

Get up early and go to court with Lu Anlang, after the court, Lu Anlang returns to Yingwuhou's mansion, life is quite comfortable, when asked by others, Xu Taiping used the excuse he had discussed with Lu Anlang to prevaricate, saying that he was helping in Yingwuhou's mansion Marquis Yingwu sorted out some files, but no one raised any doubts.

The only thing that makes Xu Taiping regret is that after living in Yingwuhou Mansion for a few days, Lu Anlang never thought of how to solve it, and he didn't see the person he was thinking about. In the back house, one lived in the guest room. Yuxiang hadn't woken up when he went to court, and Yuxiang had already gone to the delicatessen when he went down to court.

And it is impossible for him to return to Yingwuhou's Mansion every day, the Imperial Academy is still so busy, and it is often dark when he finishes his work.He wanted to confess his love to Yuxiang, but he thought of the good girl who didn't know what to do in his mind, and was afraid of dragging her down. Fortunately, the delicious food in Yingwuhou's mansion soothed his melancholy heart, and Xu Taiping's mood was much better than before. Fortunately, he is a free and easy person, so Xiao Hao didn't dare to bother him, and he almost forgot about that thing in his head.

After a period of observation, Lu Anlang and Jiang Caiyue could only confirm that as long as Xu Taiping refused to allow Xiao Hao to give him his body, Xiao Hao would have no way to take Xu Taiping's body away, and he couldn't leave Xu Taiping's body for some reason. That's a delight to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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