Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2312 Excited

Chapter 2312 Excited

Catch up with Xiu Mu today, which is the day for the officials to connect with each other. Yesterday Xu Taiping rejected the invitation of his colleagues, and returned to Yingwuhou's mansion early to take a nice bath.Get up early in the morning and sit in the pavilion in the front yard.

Because he got up too early, Lu Anlang didn't have to go to court, and the whole family didn't get up. Xu Taiping sat for a long time and didn't see anyone coming out of the backyard, but he was covered in dew.

The servants who got up early saw Xu Taiping sitting in the pavilion and came to say hello, Xu Taiping greeted him back politely.

But after a long time, Xu Taiping was still sitting there, and the servants felt that it was not a big deal to let Master Xu sit like this, thinking that his wife had told him to greet Master Xu well, so he went to boil water for Master Xu. The tea was delivered, and the kitchen was still busy making breakfast. There was no time to make the tea, so I took some from Miss Yuxiang yesterday, and brought the remaining sausages and stewed meat into slices. The wowotou of the pot.

Xu Taiping thanked him, sat in the gazebo, ate and drank, and looked towards the garden gate leading to the backyard from time to time, but he kept looking for a long time, the tea he looked at was cold, and he didn't see the person he was thinking of.

The servants who waited on him came to ask a few times when the meal was ready, Xu Taiping went back to the guest room where he was staying in a low mood, the food was already set, a basket of steamed stuffed buns, a bowl of porridge, and a few side dishes that looked delicious There are meat and vegetables, Xu Taiping sighed while eating, if he continues to eat like this, he will be fat into a ball sooner or later.It's hard to wonder how Yingwuhou's family can always be so well-proportioned.

Just after eating, I heard the voices of many people talking outside. There were adults and children. Xu Taiping came out to see what was going on. He saw Lu Anlang's family coming out of the backyard door. The three children were riding a small horse. Horse, and the Hou Ye and his wife were walking beside the person he had been thinking about for a long time.

When Xu Taiping got excited, he ran forward for a few steps, but after running a few steps, he realized that he was too excited, so he slowed down, but it was too late to retreat, and a group of people over there looked over in unison, Xu Taiping just I can bite the bullet and salute, "I have met Lord Hou, madam, old lady...Miss Yuxiang."

Although the whole family was talking before, when Xu Taiping ran towards this side, everyone looked at him and saw his actions in their eyes. He stopped abruptly and saluted abruptly, making people I couldn't help laughing, especially Jiang Caiyue and Qi Nanqin covered their mouths and laughed.

If they would have suspected that Xu Taiping was interested in Qi Nanqin before and annoyed him, but last time he stood up for Yuxiang and cleaned up Cui Dekuo, from the way he looked at Yuxiang, Jiang Caiyue could already be sure that he admired Yuxiang Xiang, it's just that this nerd's emotional intelligence is really not very good, which caused such a misunderstanding.

Unlike Jiang Caiyue and Qi Nanqin who watched the show, Yuxiang's reaction was a little cold. Of course, she could see Xu Taiping's thoughts on her, but she didn't have that kind of thoughts on Xu Taiping.

After seeing Qi Nanqin's melancholy in those years, she didn't believe that she would be able to meet a man who loves her, loves her and respects her like Jiang Caiyue, instead of marrying a man and becoming a caged bird that cannot make decisions , she prefers to live happily like this for the rest of her life. A man is not indispensable to her, but a burden.

Xu Taiping felt ugly, his face was already red as if bleeding, he looked at Lu Anlang in embarrassment, and said after a long time: "Master Hou is going out?"

Lu Anlang smiled and said, "Today, I'm taking a rest, and I want to take my family to the ranch outside the city. Master Xu didn't go out today?"

(End of this chapter)

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