Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2314 The heart is like still water

Chapter 2314 The heart is like still water
Lu Anlang was speechless listening to the conversation in the car outside the car. He did not read much, but his mother taught him a lot when she was alive. Speaking of which, although his reading level is not as good as a scholar, he is better than the average countryman. But it was much more, and he was able to be this Marquis, apart from his relationship with Hao'er, it was because of his skill, he was brave and resourceful, and he had made a lot of contributions to Liang Guo.

Is this brat looking down on his father so much?Let him know how good he is when he turns around, to see if he dares to think that he got this Marquis by luck.

Xu Taiping heard it was a bit funny, but in order not to embarrass Lu Anlang, he held back his heart and didn't dare to laugh, but seeing Lu Anlang kept blowing and inhaling, he seemed to want to beat Bao'er when the car stopped , secretly sweating for Xiao Baoer.

After the team left the city, they kept walking along the official road. Not far away, they saw a carriage parked by the side of the road, and only a coachman sat on the shaft and looked in this direction. When he saw the team, he immediately said to the carriage. With just one sentence, the curtain of the car was lifted immediately, revealing a delicate face that seemed to be painted.

Xu Taiping glanced at it and then turned his face away. He loves to draw, especially pictures of ladies. He once thought of drawing a picture of eight beauties, which would gather the eight most beautiful beauties in the world.

He had already drawn four beauties before, and after meeting Yuxiang, he added a fifth beauty, and after meeting Qi Nanqin, he was astonished as a heavenly being, but after being kicked out by Marquis Yingwu, he didn't dare to draw Qi Nanqin for the time being.

And after seeing Jiang Caiyue, he also had the urge to draw Jiang Caiyue, but obviously, he had already been scolded for painting Qi Nanqin, and if he wanted to draw Jiang Caiyue, he might have to suffer from the soles of Yingwuhou's shoes.

But obviously he didn't give up on drawing Jiang Caiyue and Qi Nanqin. Now that the eight beauties have collected seven beauties, only one beauty is left. Normally, when he sees such a delicate and picturesque face, he should have taken her as a The eighth beauty had the urge to paint it, but at this moment, his mind was calm and he didn't have the slightest urge.

At first Xu Taiping wondered why he was indifferent to this one, which can be said to be the most beautiful face among the eight beauties, but after hearing Xiao Hao's voice suddenly exploded in his mind, he finally understood why.

Xiao Hao shouted almost without warning: "Damn, isn't this a facelift?"

Xu Taiping asked suspiciously: "What is plastic surgery?"

Xiao Hao, who hadn't spoken for a long time, found that he had forgotten to play dead, so he could only satisfy Xu Taiping's curiosity, "A facelift means that her face is not hers, but someone else modified it with a knife."

Xu Taiping understood, it's no wonder he has no feelings for this beauty, but it's because she is as beautiful as she is beautiful, but she lacks agility.

The beautiful faces he had carefully selected before may not be full of beauties, but all of them are attractive, each has its own temperament, each has its own charm, although they are all beautiful, but they are not repeated.

If we say that the plastic surgery face that Xiao Hao said is beautiful, but it is too beautiful, especially the eyes are dull, and once in a while, only the philistine is revealed, even if such a beauty is unparalleled in the world , and could not enter his eyes.

Xiao Hao said a lot of bad things about Rong Bing in his mind, but now Xu Taiping has practiced dual-purpose, when he doesn't want to listen to Xiao Hao's words, he can completely block his voice, Xiao Hao said for a long time He didn't get a response, guessing that Xu Taiping didn't want to talk to him anymore, he let out a big sigh for the price he would have to pay this time.

Even though these days he had resigned himself to the possibility of his disappearance, he was still so unwilling.

(End of this chapter)

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