Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2315 Salt Village

Chapter 2315 Salt Village
The team gradually walked to Rong Bing's carriage. Rong Bing had already got off the carriage and came to greet Jiang Caiyue. Jiang Caiyue asked people to stop the carriage and exchanged a few words with her. Let the coachman drive the carriage and follow behind the convoy.

Because of the hot weather, there were not many pedestrians on the road after leaving the city, so Rong Bing opened the curtains of the car to let a small wind penetrate into the car to relieve the stuffiness in the car. With the light wind blowing, Rong Bing's hair It was blown flutteringly, and the gauze that was originally gently curling on her body was also blown like a dream. Coupled with her delicate face, it was as beautiful as a moving painting.

When Rong Bing got out of the car to greet Jiang Caiyue before, the guards were amazed by Rong Bing's beauty. At this time, the curtain of her car was wide open, and everyone couldn't help but look back. Rong Bing was very generous. Let everyone watch, and put on a charming pose from time to time, not to mention being provocative.

Xu Taiping's impression of Rong Bing in his heart was even worse. Let alone a woman who showed her face in public, this big car curtain let other men watch, how is it different from those prostitutes?

Listening to Xiao Hao talking about Rong Bing's previous glorious deeds in his mind, although Xu Taiping guessed that Rong Bing might have been sent by Jiang Caiyue to the Ancient Rong Kingdom, his impression of her could not be improved no matter what.

Rong Bing kept staring at Xu Taiping, who was riding side by side with Lu Anlang. Lu Anlang didn't dare to think about it, but she was still young and beautiful. Although she was sad for a while because the man who loved her was killed, it was over. After such a long time, can she really live alone for the rest of her life?Being able to guard him for such a long time can be regarded as the end of their relationship.

It's just that, now that her heart is high, she doesn't like all men, just like the men in front of her, Lu Anlang, she dare not think, that is, she can still look at the men who stand shoulder to shoulder with Lu Anlang, after all, with Lu Anlang The man who walked side by side would not be an unknown person, even though he was dressed plainly, Rong Bing still set him as the target with vicious eyes.

When the car came to Zhuangzi, a batch of salt had just been released from the salt field over there, and dozens of cars were parked in front of the door waiting to pull the salt.

Jiang Caiyue thought that there was a lot of everything in her space, except that there was not much salt, so she asked someone to buy a few cars and send them to Yingwuhou's mansion, maybe they would be needed anytime.

Back in the village, just after settling down, people from the village came to report that the steward of the saltworks had come to see him.

Usually when the whole family comes to Zhuangzi, the manager of the saltworks will come to say hello, and Lu Anlang doesn't suspect him, so he lets him in.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Qi Nanqin, Jiang Caiyue, and Yuxiang took people to prepare lunch. The ingredients were prepared by telling Zhuangzi in advance, and they were all high-quality ingredients. , also replace the water with space water.

Just as he was preparing, he trotted the steward of the saltworks into Zhuangzi along with the people in Zhuangzi.

Someone in the village whispered: "Guan Zhang is not here to beg our Lord Hou to help him, is he?"

"Need to say? If he didn't come to beg Lord Hou, he wouldn't have come."

"Well, our Lord Hou and Madam are good people, and they can think of anyone who has something to do, but this time I don't want Lord Hou to go into this muddy water."

"I don't want to either, why don't we talk to Madam and ask Lord Hou not to promise anything to Zhang Guan?"

"But having said that, Guan Zhang is also innocent. After all, he can't be blamed for this matter. If Master Hou doesn't help him, he will really have nowhere to go."

"Hehe, he's innocent? He's the manager of the saltworks. What happened to the saltworks, you say he's innocent? You're the only one who believes he's innocent."

(End of this chapter)

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