Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2316 Fat difference

Chapter 2316 Fat difference
Those Zhuang Ding thought their voices were not loud, but they didn't want Jiang Caiyue's mother and daughter to have good hearing. After listening for a while, Qi Nanqin said: "Why do I hear that the manager is here to cheat my uncle?"

Yuxiang also nodded, "It doesn't sound like a good thing, why don't you remind your brother-in-law?"

Jiang Caiyue walked towards several Zhuang Ding, who were talking together, when they saw Jiang Caiyue walking over, they all lowered their heads.Jiang Caiyue asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

Several people looked at each other, not knowing whether to tell Jiang Caiyue what was in their hearts. Seeing that Jiang Caiyue seemed a little displeased, one of them sighed: "Oh! Since my wife has asked, it doesn't count. Let's speak ill of Guanshi Zhang behind his back."

Jiang Caiyue was amused in her heart, but she still nodded, "It's not that you said bad things about him, but I asked about it. Naturally, you can't hide it from me."

Several people looked at each other again, and the first to speak said: "Ma'am, what happened, there was an accident in the salt field yesterday, and a woman died. At that time, no one knew where the woman came from, but she was killed It was found in the room of Steward Zhang's son. His son is only fifteen years old, and he looked like a good boy before. Who would have thought that he would do this. Someone from the yamen checked and said that the woman had been abused before she died. I was strangled to death because I fought hard. I died in Zhang Guan’s son’s room. When I was found, Zhang Guanshi’s son passed out drunk in the room with no clothes on. If he didn’t do this, who would it be? The people in the yamen took Guanshi Zhang’s son away yesterday, and Guanshi begged many people but no one would help.”

"You mean that Manager Zhang came here to ask Lord Hou to help him save his son?"

A few people shook their heads, and another person said: "That's not true. His son was arrested in that situation, but he couldn't deny it. We guessed that Guanshi Zhang wanted to ask Master Hou to help him keep the position of saltworks supervisor. After all, his son He still has several, this position is a fat job."

Jiang Caiyue nodded knowingly, and turned her head to wink at Qi Nanqin and Yuxiang. Although these Zhuang Ding said that they got all the stolen goods at that time and the case was clear at a glance, in Jiang Caiyue's view, it cannot be said that it was not an unjust case.

Guanshi Zhang's son is only fifteen, can he really ruin and strangle people to death?Still in the state of drunkenness, Jiang Caiyue believes that most people's strength will be greatly reduced after drunkenness, let alone a child, if he really did it, how much strength does this child usually have?Maybe someone really set up the game, after all, these Zhuang Ding also said that the position of Zhang Guanshi is a fat job.

Not long after, Guanshi Zhang came out. Compared with the hurried expression when he entered, Guanshi Zhang seemed to let go of his heart at this time.

When seeing Jiang Caiyue, Zhang Guanshi greeted her again, and Jiang Caiyue nodded slightly to him.Watching the back of Guanshi Zhang leaving, I also believed that Guanshi Zhang came here not to save his son, but to protect his position.

Otherwise, even if Lu Anlang said he wanted to help his son, it would be too early for Guanshi Zhang to let go without evidence to prove his innocence.

Such a person is really not worth helping.

The meal at noon was very sumptuous. Every day in the village, cattle and sheep were slaughtered and sent to Jinchi City. Knowing that Lord Hou's family was coming over today, they kept the good meat for a long time.

Although it seems that there are not too expensive ingredients, the ingredients from the Zhuangzi of Yingwuhou Mansion are more expensive than ordinary delicacies from mountains and seas. With Yuxiang and Qi Nanqin watching, the dishes on this table are very rich.

(End of this chapter)

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