Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2317 Verbal Attacks

Chapter 2317 Verbal Attacks

Rong Bing has been riding a horse in the ranch since she entered Zhuangzi. She learned how to ride in Gurong country. She hadn’t ridden a horse for several months. When she felt itchy, she asked the ranch manager for a horse. Speeding up in the pasture, Xu Taiping, who was looking at picking up horses in the pasture, couldn't help shaking his head. Not only did this woman not look dignified, but her behavior was also not dignified.

Just thinking about it, a peach red horse galloped by beside him, bringing a gust of breeze with an elegant fragrance, Xu Taiping's face turned red, even if he didn't see anyone, he had already remembered this faint fragrance In his heart, it was the scent of Yuxiang. Although he didn't know what kind of incense she was using, this smell was unforgettable after smelling it, and it simply haunted him.

And Yuxiang's back riding on the horse is slender but bold and upright, which makes him want to be drunk. He doesn't remember the thought of Rong Bing's undignified appearance just now.

Yuxiang chased after Rongbing on her horse, and said to her: "Don't just worry about riding the horse, my sister asked you to go there, saying that she has something to ask you."

Rong Bing responded, pulled the horse back, and when passing by Xu Taiping, he did not forget to wink at him, seeing Xu Taiping's face darken visibly, not only did not feel embarrassed, but laughed out loud, Xu Taiping The boredom in Taiping's eyes was about to turn into substance.

Xiao Hao whistled in Xu Taiping's mind, and laughed loudly: "This bitch is still coquettish as always, if you don't look at such a beauty, what are you thinking about?"

Xu Taiping's face was as heavy as water, and he didn't want to respond to Xiao Hao, but when he saw Yuxiang coming slowly on the horse, his face softened, and he couldn't help saying: "A beauty is in the bone but not in the skin, what is the real beauty? Can you see this evil thing?"

Xiao Hao was silent for a moment, "Actually, it's not that I really don't understand what true beauty is. I'm not good enough for a girl from a good family, that is, the kind of dubious woman who is easy to catch."

Xu Taiping twitched the corner of his mouth, and his tone became even more disdainful, "How about a nest of snakes and rats?"

"Xu Taiping, don't go too far. Although I can't do anything to you, you can't do anything to me either. It's wrong for you to attack with words from time to time."

Xu Taiping didn't pay attention to Xiao Hao anymore, but urged the horse toward Yuxiang, and reined in the horse a few feet away, "Miss Yuxiang, I'm being polite."

"Master Xu is polite."

Yuxiang nodded to him, although there was a misunderstanding between the two before, but since Cui Dekuo's incident Xu Taiping spoke for her, the misunderstanding can be let go, and Xu Taiping has feelings for him, and a woman's admiration for him One must be more gentle.

Xu Taiping was overjoyed by Yuxiang's response, and it showed on his face, but Xiao Hao's voice sounded inappropriately: "Look, you look so worthless, you are just a woman..."

Xu Taiping said contemptuously: "Isn't she just a woman? You are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue. I heard that when you showed favor to that plastic face, people didn't take you seriously. A noble lady like Yuxiang Girl, I'm afraid that even looking at you will make my eyes dirty."

Xiao Hao said angrily, "Xu Taiping, don't push yourself too hard. Do you really think I have nothing to do with you? Don't be afraid that I will fight you to the death, and no one will live."

The angrier Xiao Hao was, the calmer Xu Taiping was, not afraid of his anger, not afraid of his troubles, but afraid of him holding back to make trouble, the more annoyed Xiao Hao was at this time, the more he showed that he had nothing to do with him.

Looking at Yuxiang who was smiling lightly in front of her, she was in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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