Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2318 No burden of being a champion

Chapter 2318 No burden of being a champion

Yuxiang didn't know that Xu Taiping had won the battle with Xiao Hao in her mind, she only saw Xu Taiping smiling brightly at this moment, as if it was more dazzling than the scorching sun in the sky.

Before Rong Bing flirted with Xu Taiping, Xu Taiping glared at him. At that time, Yuxiang was in a good mood. Now seeing him and herself just greeted each other, she couldn't help but be overjoyed. It's true that she doesn't have any vanity. It's possible, after all Xu Taiping is also the number one scholar in the new department, one of the men most girls in Jinchi City want to marry, he can't see others, he can only see her appearance, she is really handsome!But I have to say that Xu Taiping like this makes Yuxiang feel bad, and she doesn't want to hit him, and she doesn't want him to get deeper and deeper, which is really embarrassing.

Xu Taiping was hit hard by his previous experience with Yuxiang. He didn't know where he would offend Yuxiang. At this time, he didn't dare to talk nonsense. Walking slowly, he also stayed by the side neither far nor near.Having nothing to say, he simply smiled silly, especially when Yuxiang looked over, Xu Taiping laughed so hard that he almost showed his big teeth.

Seeing Yuxiang happy, Xu Taiping was even more delighted, wishing to use all his strength to make the beauty smile.Even if Xiao Hao kept saying obscene words in his mind, Xu Taiping would completely treat him as fart, occasionally slapping him a few words, he was completely free, without the burden of being the number one scholar, but Xiao Haolei was taken aback for a while. , wondering if he had led Xu Taiping to the brink, and the person who can utter dirty words from time to time is really the somewhat pedantic number one scholar from before?

Feeling that it is not the case for two people to walk on the pasture without talking, Yuxiang said: "Master Xu, I heard that you work in the Imperial Academy?"

Xu Taiping hurriedly said: "Exactly!"

"Are you still used to it? I've heard people say that the affairs of the Imperial Academy are numerous and cumbersome, but it's not easy to do."

"I have just entered the court as an official, and I was ordered to enter the Imperial Academy. Although the official position is not high, I dare not slack off. I just try to do my best."

Yuxiang glanced at Xu Taiping, and saw that when he spoke, he looked sincere and determined, and he didn't seem like a person who couldn't bear hardships. Besides, if he was really busy, how could he have the mood to please her here?

Yes, Yuxiang didn't doubt at all that Xu Taiping was trying to please her now, but because of the previous incidents, Xu Taiping had no idea how to please her, but obviously, he was not a person who gave up easily, but Yuxiang was a little bit While enjoying Xu Taiping's favor, she was very entangled, afraid that Xu Taiping would get deeper and deeper, after all, she didn't want to get married.

Yuxiang thought about it for a long time, but she still planned to make it clear with Xu Taiping, so, as she walked, Yuxiang reined in her horse, "Master Xu, there is something I want to talk to you about."

Xu Taiping's heart skipped a beat, and from Yuxiang's indifferent attitude towards him before, he could guess what Yuxiang wanted to say, nothing more than saying that they were not suitable, so that he would not want to eat swan meat.But what if he just can't forget Yuxiang?Moreover, he firmly believes that a martyr's daughter is afraid of pestering her husband, and if she is sincere, gold and stones will open.

Xu Taiping said with a smile: "Miss Yuxiang has anything to say, just say it."

Yuxiang said: "Master Xu understands Yuxiang's heart, but Yuxiang only wants to make a career in this life, and has no intention of being above love, so that Master Xu will fall in love with him by mistake, and Yuxiang is sincere and fearful. If possible, please ask Master Xu to forget about Yuxiang in the future Fragrant."

Even though he had already guessed in his heart, after hearing Yuxiang's words, Xu Taiping's heart still felt a little throbbing, and he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Miss Yuxiang..."

(End of this chapter)

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