Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2322 Fortunately, it was not the nose

Chapter 2322 Fortunately, it was not the nose
Xu Taiping was too lazy to talk to her, but he was the one who threw Rong Bing's body full of peach juice, and he couldn't just walk away with his sleeves. He looked helplessly at Zhuang Ding who was looking this way, and asked Rong Bing, "" Miss, have you brought a change of clothes? Why don't you find a woman in the village to take you to change?"

Rong Bing also knew that he didn't look good, and if he didn't want to leave, he had to go and change his clothes first, but when he left, he looked at Xu Taiping, but there was something ulterior about it, and the intention in it was to make Xu Taiping move his face away at the same time. The brows are also tightened, this woman is really shameless!How could people like Lord Hou and his wife associate with such a woman?

But after thinking about it, there is often talk of beauty tricks in the history books, maybe this woman is a pawn used by Lord Hou and his wife to perform the beauty trick, so if I think about it, I want to keep a respectful distance from Rong Bing, so as not to be misunderstood by Yuxiang.

Jiang Caiyue looked at Yuxiang who was coming, and said with a smile: "Didn't you just chat with Mr. Xu? Why did you come here?"

Yuxiang smiled helplessly, "I probably annoyed Mr. Xu, he refused to talk to me and left first, that's fine, so that everyone won't be troubled in the future."

Jiang Caiyue shook her head, "You, let me tell you what's good about you? I think Mr. Xu is a little different from others, maybe you can give yourself and him a chance. If you miss the good marriage, you may regret it for the rest of your life .”

Yuxiang shook her head, "Sister, don't try to persuade me, I really don't want to get married, it's a blessing to meet a brother-in-law who treats my sister so well, what if I meet a hypocrite with a good face? In the end, it's not good for everyone to tear their faces, and I would rather be alone."

Jiang Caiyue knew that Yuxiang was a fool, and she didn't take it seriously after persuading her many times. Jiang Caiyue couldn't do it without drinking water and pressing her head. If she doesn't marry, don't marry. In previous lives, there were many strong women who chose to live alone. ?I can support myself, live a leisurely and comfortable life, and there is really no need to worry about finding a man, especially in this era, and I have to deal with a lot of children in a man's family.

Jiang Caiyue stopped persuading her, and Yuxiang breathed a sigh of relief, but Xu Taiping's face couldn't help appearing in her mind, her heart was not as firm as before, and she even had a slight thought of wanting to try.

The two sisters went down to talk, and saw a woman in the village leading Rong Bing to this side. As she walked, Rong Bing wiped her face and body with a handkerchief, even though the peach juice on the surface was wiped off. Now, Jiang Caiyue and Yuxiang still saw that her collar had warmed a lot from the collar to her heart, and even the makeup on her face was taken away.

Jiang Caiyue said: "What's the matter?"

Rong Bing pouted and said, "Master Xu didn't know what kind of temper he was walking along, but suddenly he picked a peach and offered to give it to me, but as soon as I reached out to pick it up, he hit me all over with the peach. , Look, I got this clothes for you, if you don’t know, you might think I have a grudge against him.”

Jiang Caiyue could tell that Xu Taiping disdained Rong Bing, but Xu Taiping didn't seem like he would hit someone with a peach, especially because the other party was a woman. Jiang Caiyue didn't see it, but couldn't help but wonder how Rong Bing messed with him. To Xu Taiping?Could it be that he pounced directly on it?
Seeing Jiang Caiyue's expression, Rong Bing knew that she must be thinking about what she had done to Xu Taiping, so she was hit by Tao Zi, "Ma'am, I really don't blame me this time, I just walked behind him."

Jiang Caiyue laughed and said: "I see, I didn't say anything, go and change your clothes, you have to be glad that Master Xu didn't hit your nose, otherwise..."

(End of this chapter)

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