Chapter 2323

Rong Bing knew in her heart that her nose was made by Jiang Caiyue. There must be something padded inside. The padded one must not be as strong as her original one. If a peach hits it, no matter how soft the peach is, it will hurt her. His nose was collapsed, and it will not be easy to repair it when the time comes.

Although the nose escaped the catastrophe, Jiang Caiyue said that she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her chin. At that time, the peach was actually smashed on her chin. Bar?

Rong Bing panicked and said, "Ma'am, show me your chin, don't smash it crookedly."

Speaking of Rong Bing coming over, Jiang Caiyue pinched her chin and looked, "Well, it's not crooked."

Rong Bing relaxed, "Fortunately, fortunately!"

As Rong Bing said, he patted his chest with his hands, looking relieved, Yuxiang said displeased when she saw it: "It's not big in the first place, if you continue to shoot it, it will disappear."

Rong Bing's hands froze there, and he quickly lowered his head to check his chest, and he was relieved when he saw that it hadn't become smaller.But looking at Jiang Caiyue and Yuxiang again, she felt that her breasts were really small, and said shyly to Jiang Caiyue: "Madam, look at my breasts are so small, is there any way to make them bigger?"

Jiang Caiyue raised her eyebrows, "There is a way to grow bigger. If it gets bigger, it can only be used as a display. It can't be touched or touched. You have to think about it."

Rong Bing thought about it, and finally decided that this is fine.

The woman next to her asked, "Miss, do you still change your clothes?"

"Change! Change!" Rong Bing hurriedly retreated with Jiang Caiyue and followed the woman to change clothes. Yuxiang looked at her back and guessed why Xu Taiping would hit her with a peach, although it may not be intentional. But Rongbing was not all innocent when she was hit, most likely because she took the opportunity to get close to Xu Taiping, Xu Taiping didn't pay attention to being frightened for a while, and then accidentally hit her.After all, although Xu Taiping could see that he didn't like Rongbing, he was also a gentleman, how could he do something like throwing peaches at people?

Qi Nanqin came out with the washed children, and the children threw themselves into Jiang Caiyue's arms, talking about what they had just done flying a kite on the grass, Dani Erni was especially excited, flying a kite on the grass in the pasture was comparable to that in the palace. More comfortable, especially running on a pony, not too free.

Jiang Caiyue didn't fly the kite with them before, but this time the children got off Jiang Caiyue's body until Jiang Caiyue promised to fly the kite with them after eating.Tired and hungry after playing, they all thought they could eat a cow.

When they came to the table, they saw that Lu Anlang had come and was talking with Xu Taiping. Jiang Caiyue cleared her throat, and the two turned their heads. Xu Taiping saluted everyone politely, but did not mention Rong Bing at all. the meaning of.

Rong Bing went to change clothes, thinking about it, she would also freshen up and dress up again, and everyone didn't have any intention of waiting for her, and they ate and chatted after they took their seats.

Although it is a table for one person, the three children sit at one table because they are small. Unlike other tables that mainly focus on barbecue, they specially made porridge and snacks at this table. The children are eating porridge and eating meat and vegetables. Indescribably cute.

While eating, a servant came to report, "Master Hou, madam, Princess Pingwu brought people to choose horses."

Lu Anlang looked at Jiang Caiyue, Jiang Caiyue said: "Since they are here, they are guests, you can take them to see the horses first, and I will go to see the horses later."

The servants retreated, Jiang Caiyue ate a few more mouthfuls, and then got up to meet Princess Pingwu.

(End of this chapter)

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