Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2326 How can you mention the national teacher when you are so serious?

Chapter 2326 How can you mention the national teacher when you are so serious?
Seeing Jiang Caiyue approaching, Princess Pingwu smiled and said, "Auntie, come and help me take a look, I'm too picky about so many good horses."

Looking at the horses that were picked out over there, Jiang Caiyue didn't feel that Princess Pingwu was really picky at all. There wasn't a single horse that wasn't the best, so was this picky?
Jiang Caiyue said with a smile: "Princess, how many horses do you want to pick? You don't want to buy all the horses in my racecourse and sell them?"

Princess Pingwu was stunned when she heard the words, then smiled and said: "Aunt didn't say that I didn't think that this is a good way to make a fortune, or I would buy all the horses in your racecourse and sell them at a high price outside. "

Jiang Caiyue gave her a blank look, "To be honest, why did you suddenly buy so many horses?"

Princess Pingwu didn't want to hide it from Jiang Caiyue, "Aunt, didn't Baiqiu Kingdom want to get married before, I want to go to Baiqiu."

Jiang Caiyue disapproved and said: "We don't know the situation in Baiqiu. How can the emperor be willing to marry you? Besides, marriages are always sent from weak countries to strong countries. Our Liang country is now rich and strong, so we definitely didn't send you off." The reason why you go to make love."

"Because of Liang Guo's prosperity, it is impossible for Baiqiu to go back on his appointment in the future. If I marry and become a queen, I will be able to do many things for Liang. I heard people say that Baiqiu is ready to move in recent years. I don't know why. It will be unfavorable to Liang Guo."

Jiang Caiyue shook her head, "So what if they are ready to make a move? They will send troops if they have the ability. They haven't sent troops for so long, but they just don't have the courage to send troops. I think this request for a marriage is just a trap. You will only hit us when you really go to make a kiss. The face of the country. Let me ask you, who told you that you married and became the queen of Baiqiu country, which is good for Liang country?"

Princess Pingwu hesitated for a moment, but she told the truth, "It's Elder Sister. She said that she would go to the palace to see the emperor's brother one day. He was frowning with a letter of credence in his hand. She accidentally glanced at it and knew it was Baiqiu. The country sent a letter of credence to propose marriage, and now I am the only princess who is suitable for marriage, if you want to come to the emperor, you will be embarrassed if you don’t want to part with me."

Jiang Caiyue has heard of the elder sister that Princess Pingwu mentioned, but she doesn't remember much, but how much brotherly love can a royal princess have?What does it matter if Hao Er is worried or not?He also told Princess Pingwu that he was not at peace.

Jiang Caiyue said: "Princess, don't you think this matter is strange? Why would the emperor make troubles about this matter? He refused Baiqiu Kingdom's marriage, would Baiqiu Kingdom dare to use soldiers if it is difficult? Not to mention Liang is now The army is strong and the horses are strong, and the weapons are much stronger than other countries. Even the Heidi country is enough for Baiqiu to fight. Now that Baiqiu is besieged on all sides, how dare he use troops against Liang Guo? And Heidi and Liang Gang formed an alliance not long ago. If Liang sent the princess to Isn't Baiqiu's marriage to Heidi's face?"

Princess Pingwu said: "I've thought about this too, but Elder Sister said that there is a national teacher in Baiqiu who is very capable. mound."

After finishing speaking, he paused and added, "The national teacher of others is not our national teacher who pretends to be a ghost."

Jiang Caiyue said amusedly: "Can you please stop mentioning that worthless national teacher, I can't help laughing when you mention him when you are so serious."

They were talking about such a serious issue, Princess Pingwu still didn't forget to bring up the national teacher to despise one or two, which shows that the national teacher still has a certain status in her heart.Although she was despised, Jiang Caiyue felt that Princess Pingwu didn't have a national teacher in her heart, at least she could think of it anytime to make her feel bored.

(End of this chapter)

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