Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2327 Figured it out

Chapter 2327 Figured it out
Princess Pingwu blushed, but she defended the national teacher: "He is not that bad, except that he has no real skills, and his heart is not bad. I have seen him give food to beggars on the street..."

Jiang Caiyue let out a long "oh", and Princess Pingwu realized that she was speaking well for the national teacher. Jiang Caiyue's "Oh" can be said to be meaningful.

Princess Pingwu covered her face and said, "Auntie, don't think about it."

There was a faint smile on Jiang Caiyue's mouth, "The eldest princess wronged me, I didn't think about anything." But her expression was not convincing at all.

The eldest princess of Pingwu didn't know what to say, Jiang Caiyue thought for a while and said, "The eldest princess wants to marry to Baiqiu country, but she is afraid that Liang's army will lose to Baiqiu's national teacher?"

Princess Pingwu thought for a while and nodded honestly, but Jiang Caiyue shook her head disapprovingly, "Then princess, I have thought about it, we are familiar with Xiaoyaozi and know that he is a complete liar, but in the eyes of outsiders , our national teacher of Liang State is also omnipotent, so it is impossible for Baiqiu State to devote all the power of the whole country to create such a national teacher who exists like a god in the eyes of others?"

The eldest princess of Pingwu was stunned, and Jiang Caiyue said again: "And why did the eldest princess tell you this? As far as I know, the eldest princess has never been involved in the affairs of the court and China, and the eldest princess, you are married to hundreds of years. Going to Qiu Guo will not do Liang Guo any good, why is she so enthusiastic?"

Princess Pingwu nodded, "I also guessed that the eldest sister didn't have such a good heart, but this time Baiqiu Kingdom is obviously targeting me. If I refuse to marry and start fighting, I will definitely become a Sinner of the Liang Kingdom."

Jiang Caiyue said hehe: "Princess, don't think my words are harsh. Although you are a princess, you are just a delicate girl. You can neither fight nor rule the country. Qiu, it's not your fault to give Baiqiu an excuse to send troops. They really want to send troops with a lot of excuses, without you, there will be other things. And the emperor refused to send you to marry, except because you are his favorite His younger sister is also his confidence that Bai Qiuguo said that no matter how lively it is, they dare not send troops. If they send troops because of this excuse, how can we believe that they will treat you sincerely after you go to marry? Maybe they will even bully you weak You are alone and have no one to rely on. When the time comes, you are bullied, and the news is sent back to the Kingdom of Liang. The emperor loves you and sends troops to attack Baiqiu. At that time, the war will not start because of you? You will still be regarded as a sinner! The result is the same, so why put yourself in it?"

"What my aunt said is true. It's true that I didn't think carefully about this matter." Jiang Caiyue's words enlightened Princess Pingwu like enlightenment, and the boulder that was weighing on her heart was removed.

Jiang Caiyue smiled, "It's not that the eldest princess is not thinking well, but that the eldest princess has a patriotic heart and wants to share the emperor's worries. It's just that she has a good heart, but she was taken advantage of by others."

Jiang Caiyue didn't go any further, but Princess Pingwu could understand, who took advantage of her?Who else besides the eldest princess?
Although the eldest princess Pingwu is not close to the eldest princess, she also admits that she has never offended her. Even if there is a little friction, it is a matter of childhood. I don't know why she wants to marry far away?

But it's not easy for her to ask about this matter. The eldest princess said that she was doing it for the country and for the emperor's brother.

Seeing that Princess Pingwu had figured it out, Jiang Caiyue clasped her hands together and said, "Thank God, Princess Princess finally figured it out. Concubine Xin's illness should be cured, and there will be no more rumors in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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