Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2328 Leads out a big fish

Chapter 2328 Leads out a big fish

Princess Pingwu blushed. Jiang Caiyue went to her house to see a doctor for Concubine Xin that day. She also knew what happened. With hard work, as long as her illness is not good and rumors spread everywhere, the emperor will not be able to send an eldest princess who may also be infected to be married. The mother and concubine just want her to dispel her thoughts.But she didn't think that her good intentions were not as effective as Jiang Caiyue's few words.

Jiang Caiyue asked Princess Pingwu, "What do you want to use these horses for?"

Princess Pingwu smiled and said: "Originally, I thought that as long as the emperor allowed me to marry, I would take these horses with me. Now that I don't want to marry, I can't buy these. If such a business is gone, my aunt will not Are you disappointed?"

Jiang Caiyue rolled her eyes, and reached out to poke Princess Pingwu on the forehead, "You have the nerve to say that? I sell someone else's horse for 1000 taels, but you only charge 500 taels. I really have to do this business." .”

Princess Pingwu laughed loudly, "Look at how stingy my aunt is, how about I buy a few more horses and sell them later, and I can make a lot of 800 taels."

Jiang Caiyue turned to the racecourse manager and said, "Are you listening? In the future, if the eldest princess buys a horse again, you will charge her 200 taels, so that this little girl will not be so good after getting a bargain."

The steward nodded with a smile, but he knew in his heart that Jiang Caiyue just said that he really dared to take Princess Pingwu for 200 taels, and he would not have to do it later as a steward.

In the end, Princess Pingwu only chose two good horses, a white horse and a black horse, both fat and strong.

Declining Jiang Caiyue's invitation to stay for a meal, Princess Pingwu directly asked someone to put a saddle on the white horse, and rode away with her.

When Jiang Caiyue came back, the banquet had already dispersed, and the children who had been arguing to eat before playing were all sleepy, so Qi Nanqin took them back to sleep.

Although Xu Taiping drank fruit wine, it tasted very good, so he couldn't help being greedy for a few more glasses. Who knew that Lu Anlang said that he would become dizzy after drinking too much of the non-intoxicating fruit wine. Lu Anlang was still drinking slowly while waiting for Jiang Caiyue to come back.

Jiang Caiyue didn't eat too much before, seeing that there was still some charcoal left in the oven, so she took some beef and mutton to roast.The servants wanted to come over to help, but Jiang Caiyue refused.

Lu Anlang also came over and took two pieces of meat to roast with Jiang Caiyue. After the roast was done, the couple ate one bite at a time beside the oven without using the table.

Jiang Caiyue said: "Before the meal, the steward of the salt field came to ask you to help him keep this position?"

Lu Anlang shook his head, "Not really, he asked me to help him investigate a person, if it is found out that that person did it, he asked me to arrest him for interrogation, although that person is only a small person, but the forces behind him are not strong. It’s small, maybe it can catch a big fish.”

It was beyond Jiang Caiyue's expectations. Thinking of the relaxed expression on the manager's face when he left, Jiang Caiyue guessed that he probably knew who framed his son. Although his son was not rescued, as long as Lu Anlang was willing to intervene, the matter would It shouldn't be difficult.

"So, he already knows who is manipulating this behind the scenes?"

Lu Anlang nodded, "I guess that's probably the case, but this matter inevitably makes people wonder. Why did he let his son fall into someone else's trap when he is so confident? I think he wants to use his tricks. The key to this matter is Whether the dead woman was strangled to death by his son, and whether the person who spoiled her before her death was his son, all need to be verified."

(End of this chapter)

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