Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2330 Xiao Hao's Usefulness

Chapter 2330 Xiao Hao's Usefulness

When they came to the door of Xu Taiping's house, Lu Anlang didn't let Jiang Caiyue go in, and he didn't go in directly. Instead, he threw a bullet inside to make sure that neither Rong Bing nor Xu Taiping would suddenly wake up. Only then did Zhuang Dingwen, who had come over to check, understand the medicine, and then let him go in and put on Xu Taiping's clothes. As for Rong Bing, let her be naked first.

Zhuang Ding went in cheerfully, and put Xu Taiping's clothes on first. Even though Lu Anlang told him not to dress Rong Bing, Zhuang Ding took the opportunity to touch her several times. She was indeed much more tender than his former wife. The flesh on his body is even whiter.

Lu Anlang said hello outside, Zhuang Ding reluctantly withdrew his hand and said yes.

Lu Anlang said: "You recite Master Xu."

Zhuang Ding led Xu Taiping to carry Xu Taiping out of the room, and then Jiang Caiyue went inside. Looking at Rong Bing who was not naked but sleeping in big characters on the bed, she guessed that Zhuang Ding just took advantage of her. Bing doesn't care, just take it.

Jiang Caiyue checked Rong Bing's body. Although she was not wearing clothes, there were no traces of men and women having sex, so she guessed that Rong Bing designed Xu Taiping, and Xu Taiping didn't know anything.

Coming out from the inside, seeing Zhuang Ding standing at the door with Xu Taiping on his back, he said, "I heard that your family is gone, but did you marry again?"

Zhuang Ding couldn't believe his ears. Although he guessed what the result would be, he still couldn't believe it, but he couldn't suppress the joy in his heart, "Returning to Madam, even though I know that I am working in the Zhuangzi of the Hou Mansion, I am a matchmaker. There are quite a few, but the villain still wants to pick and choose, so he hasn't settled down."

Jiang Caiyue looked at Zhuang Ding a few times, and saw that although he didn't look like a simple and honest face, he was also clever, and said, "Did you see that woman inside? If you have the ability to persuade her, my wife will make the decision for you."

Zhuang Ding's eyes widened, but then he smiled wryly: "Madam, don't make fun of villains. What kind of talent is that young lady, how can she think of villains? No, no."

Jiang Caiyue smiled, and gave Lu Anlang a wink. Lu Anlang took Xu Taiping from Zhuang Ding's back, and smelled the antidote for him. When Xu Taiping woke up, he covered his mouth and dragged him away. just go.

Xu Taiping was stunned, but Xiao Hao in his mind was not affected. Seeing Xu Taiping woke up, he yelled: "Xu Taiping, this Yingwuhou couple is not righteous, your plastic surgery face is going to be perfect!" , They just came here to interfere, let the face-lifting work come to naught, and even give the face-lifting face to such a wretched man, how can this face-lifting face cry to death when he wakes up?"

"What did you say? What will happen to me and her?"

Xu Taiping's head was still dizzy, but thinking that getting mixed up with Rong Bing would definitely not be a good thing, his dizzy head hurt like it was going to explode.

Xiao Hao woke up Xu Taiping and went back to sleep. Not long after, Rong Bing came in, took off Xu Taiping's clothes, and how to take off her own clothes, and finally faked that the two had slept together.And how Lu Anlang and Jiang Caiyue brought Zhuang Ding over later, and wanted Zhuang Ding to tell Xu Taiping that it would be a good thing with Rong Bing.

After Xu Taiping heard it, he also understood that he was almost doomed just now, just when Lu Anlang let go of his hand covering his mouth, Xu Taiping gave Lu Anlang a deep bow, "Thank you, Lord Hou, for saving your life!"

Just as Lu Anlang opened his mouth to explain what happened before, seeing Xu Taiping thanking himself, he guessed that it was Xiao Hao who told him what happened, and suddenly felt that it was good to have someone like Xiao Hao exist, saving him so much talk.

He waved his hand and said, "I don't dare to thank Master Xu. This matter was also my negligence for a while, and it almost ruined Master Xu's reputation. What I did before can only be regarded as making up for it."

(End of this chapter)

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