Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2331 is not an unjust case

Chapter 2331 is not an unjust case
Xu Taiping didn't take it seriously, although Xiao Hao told him that Rong Bing had already taken off their clothes, but at least nothing happened to the two of them, and he had nothing to lose, anyway, he was drunk at that time, so he just pretended not to know .

Lu Anlang saw that it was getting late, so he asked Jiang Caiyue to find Qi Nanqin, and told her to return to the city when the children woke up.

The children took a nap not long ago, and it was not long after noon when they woke up. The carriage was already ready, and everyone got on the carriage and left Zhuangzi.

Qi Nanqin asked Jiang Caiyue: "Aren't you waiting for that young lady?"

Jiang Caiyue shook her head, glanced at Yuxiang who was sitting next to her and was playing with Dani Erni, she didn't say anything about Rong Bing's almost sleeping Xu Taiping, she just made an excuse, saying that the manager of the saltworks asked to land It's better not to be late for An Lang's matter. Going back earlier can reverse the child's case earlier.

Qi Nanqin thought that it was a matter of two lives, and expressed her understanding, but Yuxiang suddenly raised her head and looked at Jiang Caiyue. She always thought that the matter was not as simple as Jiang Caiyue said, especially when the returning team didn't look at it. Seeing Rong Bing, she couldn't help thinking about it.

But his lips moved, and finally swallowed the words back.

Because the saltworks were built here, the court sent craftsmen to re-pave the road, the carriage ran faster and more smoothly, and soon returned to the capital. After entering the city, Lu Anlang asked Jiang Caiyue and others to go back to the marquis first. Mansion, he first went to the public security yamen in the capital.

Although all the officials take a rest today, but as the yamen in charge of public security in the capital, as long as there is a case, there is no mention of rest.

Except in the capital city, as long as the major and minor cases within the jurisdiction of the capital city are under the jurisdiction of the public security yamen in the capital, and the capital is full of dignitaries and dignitaries, many people dare not offend them. Officials, what this official does is even more difficult than patrolling the city censor. Few people can serve for three years.

When Lu Anlang came, the newly appointed Mr. He had just finished a case. He was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea. And the official robe unbuttoned was put on again, and he hurried out to greet him.

Lu Anlang was not polite when they met, and said straight to the point: "I heard that Mr. He took over a personal murder case yesterday. I wonder if there is any progress?"

As soon as Master He heard it, he understood that Lu Anlang had come for the case of the son of the steward of the saltworks, so he explained the progress of the case in detail.

"The case was investigated by a subordinate officer himself. At that time, the door of the house was locked from the inside. The victim had no breath, and there were many wounds on her body. The cause of death was the pinch mark on her neck. The suspect, Zhang Chong, also fainted. He fell down beside the murdered woman, and the traces on his body matched the traces on the woman's body, especially in the private parts, so there is no doubt that he was forced to death."

Lu Anlang nodded. He also believed that Mr. He was not a muddled official. He had been in office for a short time, and he had a good reputation. Zhang Chong was not wronged, he thought he was wronged.

And this Mr. He is also a trustworthy person, so Lu Anlang told Mr. He about some clues left by Guanshi Zhang when he came to see him. Mr. He thought for a moment and said: "The facts of this case are clear, and the lower officials also suspected that Zhang Chong is not very old, how could he strangle a woman who is taller than him to death, but after inspecting the body, the woman was stunned by the drug first, and even if she woke up during the violence, her strength was limited due to the effect of the drug. Although Zhang Chong was young, strangling a powerless person is not difficult, Zhang Chong was not wronged."

(End of this chapter)

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