Chapter 2336

The eldest princess Pingwu nodded, and the eldest princess Chengying took her hand and began to cry, "This is what happened. There are a few diners in the imperial sister's house, and there are a few officials in court. The status is not high, but on weekdays, relying on the fact that the emperor's sister doesn't like to take care of things, she often does things to bully and dominate the market, and she offends people. There was an accident in the salt field, and the son of steward Zhang's family took advantage of the sex. He not only ruined a woman, but also killed her afterwards. It turned out that this was the disaster caused by the steward Zhang's lax teaching, but he wanted to falsely accuse the emperor's sister On the top of the head, if you insist on saying that it was Huang Jie who connived at her subordinates who wanted to seize his position as the steward of the saltworks, Huang Jie was wronged. When the matter was reported to the Yamen, that Mr. He actually listened to Zhang Zhang's one-sided words and went to the court. The memorial asks the emperor to severely punish the real culprit. Every word and every line says that this case was planted by the emperor's sister to commit the crime, but the emperor was wronged. The emperor had never heard of this matter before, and she would not understand it if she asked the servants. I don't know, it must be that steward Zhang wants to protect his son, so he wants to blame the emperor."

Princess Pingwu said: "If this is the case, the imperial sister really wants to say something fair for the imperial sister, but since the imperial brother suppressed the memorial and did not attack the people of the imperial sister's sect, perhaps the imperial brother also thinks Miss Huang was wronged in this matter, right?"

Princess Chengying shook her head, "Although the emperor has not been in trouble with the emperor since he ascended the throne, the emperor once bullied him when he was a child. How can he tolerate the emperor? Although the emperor has not happened for the time being, it may be that He Da What was mentioned in the last memorial is not enough to bring down Sister Huang completely, he is still collecting other evidence, as long as he collects enough evidence, Sister Huang will be eradicated completely, Sister Huang might not be able to come back this time, so he can only Sighing that the son-in-law's family will also be affected, they were the pillars of the country when the father was alive, because of being implicated by the emperor's sister, they have not been reused since the emperor ascended the throne. "

"No way?" Eldest Princess Pingwu couldn't believe it, "Brother Huang is not the kind of narrow-minded person, how could he remember things from his childhood to this day? I'm afraid Eldest Sister is worrying too much."

"The imperial sister has a deep relationship with the emperor's brother and sister, but I don't know how the imperial sister has been in dire straits for more than a year."

Princess Chengying smiled wryly. Outsiders said that the emperor was open-minded and the most famous emperor in the history of the Liang Kingdom, but she knew that Baili Hao was just showing open-mindedness. In fact, he was no more narrow-minded than their father. Huangcha, the person who offended him back then, although he didn't openly retaliate, but who knows that he has been on the throne for more than a year, how can anyone who offended him be reused?His narrow-mindedness was even worse than their father's.

Princess Pingwu sighed a few words, and comforted: "Elder sister, don't worry, even if the emperor wants to make use of the problem, the emperor's sister will argue for the emperor's sister, as long as the emperor's conscience is clear, the emperor's brother will not even think about it." The eldest sister framed it!"

Princess Cheng Ying burst into tears with excitement, "But the imperial sister will leave the capital tomorrow, and there will be mountains and rivers in the future, and the water in the distance will not quench my thirst."

Princess Pingwu wondered: "What the emperor said is true, why don't I go to the palace to see the emperor?"

Princess Chengying shook her head, "You can't let the emperor know about this matter. If he finds out that the emperor's sister dragged you into the water, he might punish the emperor's sister even more. Maybe when the emperor's sister is going to get married, he will also think it's because she was dragged into the water." The imperial lady encouraged it."

Princess Pingwu said: "Then what should I do if I believe in Miss Huang? Do I have to stay in the capital for a few more days?"

(End of this chapter)

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