Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2337: Turn Your Face When You Turn Your Face

Chapter 2337: Turn Your Face When You Turn Your Face
The eldest princess Chengying used to wish that the eldest princess Pingwu would leave soon, but now she has never hoped that the eldest princess Pingwu will stay for a few more days, preferably until her case is completely settled.

While talking, the servant girl ran in, "Eldest Princess, Eldest Princess, something is wrong. There are officers and soldiers outside who have surrounded our Eldest Princess' mansion, saying that they want to arrest imperial criminals."

Princess Pingwu slapped the table and stood up, "It's unreasonable, who is so bold to bully me?"

As soon as the words were finished, a high-spirited male voice came from outside: "Minister He Bingren, because the imperial court invaded the eldest princess's mansion, I am afraid that I will disturb the eldest princess, so I can only offend you."

Princess Pingwu's angry little face turned pale, "Master He, is there an imperial edict for you to bring someone to break into Princess Princess' mansion?"

"The minister has sent someone into the palace to request an order, and the imperial order will arrive later."

"Is this meaningless?"


As soon as He Bingren finished speaking, Princess Pingwu threw a teacup angrily, "He Bingren, you are so arrogant, I will go to the palace with you to discuss with the emperor!"

After finishing speaking, Princess Pingwu went out from the yard. Princess Chengying was in a hurry when she saw her, and finally stomped her foot, so she could only go out behind Princess Pingwu. If she didn't stand behind Princess Pingwu to support her How could she make Princess Pingwu stand by her side in the future?
He Bingren stood outside the wall, looking quite polite, but what he said made everyone feel impolite, "Eldest Princess, I also wholeheartedly handle the case. If there is any offense, please rest assured, Eldest Princess. Waiting for the minister to arrest the court criminals and bring them to justice, and then let the eldest princess take care of her."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the officers and servants scattered around to search in various courtyards. The angry Princess Pingwu had no choice but to gnash her teeth. She even wanted to die with He Bingren. But he kept apologizing to Princess Pingwu with a good temper.

The officials searched around but found nothing, but disturbed Concubine Xin.

Concubine Xin wore a veiled hat, and when she saw Princess Pingwu, she rushed over, "Pingwu, what's the matter? Why are there so many officials here?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to grab Princess Pingwu's hand, but when he looked down and saw the sores on his hand, he stopped abruptly, and instead grabbed Princess Chengying's hand next to Princess Pingwu, he was terrified. Princess Chengying took five steps back again and again, but Taifei Xin grabbed her slender hands, and Princess Chengying screamed immediately.

It was rumored in the capital that Concubine Xin had a heart disease. She had never seen what a heart disease looked like, but looking at the scars on her hands, what could it be?If she was infected, how could she have the face to go out to meet people?

Concubine Xin stood there stunned, seeing that Princess Chengying was still screaming, she said apologetically, "Don't blame the princess, I won't infect others with this disease."

Princess Chengying's face was contorted, and her voice was sharper a few times, "It's easy to say, if you don't infect others, why don't people in the whole capital want to marry Pingwu? Is it because you are afraid that you will infect her? !"

Princess Pingwu was not happy anymore, "Elder Sister, I only think that I am deeply in love with your sister, but I don't want Elder Sister to look at me like this? Then what are you doing here today? When you drink my tea and eat my tea Wouldn't you be afraid of getting sick?"

When Princess Pingwu said it, Princess Chengying immediately felt itchy all over, as if she had also contracted the same disease as Concubine Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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