Chapter 2338
Concubine Xin also said coldly: "I'm really not sick. Mrs. Yingwuhou personally diagnosed me. It's just that there is something wrong with my body. After taking the medicine, the sores are gone. Only these scars will be gone in a few days. It will disappear, if Princess Chengying is afraid of being overwhelmed by illness, why not please go back."

The eldest princess Chengying wanted to leave immediately, but thinking of her purpose here, she looked at the eldest princess Pingwu pitifully, "Don't be angry, imperial sister, the imperial sister is also in a hurry to speak out, please forgive me if you offend me." Mother concubine and imperial sister understand a thing or two."

Princess Pingwu looked ugly, "If it wasn't for the elder sister asking for something, I'm afraid she wouldn't have entered the door of the emperor's sister? From the perspective of the emperor's sister, the elder sister is no different from others."

The eldest princess Chengying wanted to cry, but who asked her to ask the eldest princess Pingwu, so she could only say good things. Seeing that the tone of the eldest princess Pingwu loosened a bit, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but she looked at Mrs. Xin. The concubine's eyes were still full of panic.

He Bingren watched from the sidelines as Concubine Xin's mother and daughter spoke sarcasticly to Princess Chengying. They were affectionate just now, and they turned their faces when they said they would turn their backs. The relationship between these sisters is really interesting. They had a stronger smell of gunpowder before?
So He Bingren suddenly said: "Princess Dachang, I brought someone to search the mansion today. If this matter is mentioned, it has something to do with Princess Dachang. That person is my subordinate who chased here from Dachang Princess Chengying's mansion all the way. , I suspect that that person is trying to set the blame on Princess Pingwu."

Hearing this, Concubine Xin said urgently: "The man is from the residence of the eldest princess Chengying, and he said that he wanted to blame Pingwu. Doesn't it mean that the eldest princess Chengying wants to blame Pingwu?"

Princess Cheng Ying said urgently: "Concubine Xin, you can't listen to Mr. He's one-sided opinion on this matter. He said that the man came after me from my house, so he really came from my house? I also said that it was him, Mr. He frame."

He Bingren smiled and did not defend himself.

Princess Pingwu hastily said: "Mother Concubine, Miss Huang has no reason to harm me. I'm afraid this matter is a misunderstanding. Mr. He suddenly sent people to surround our mansion. If we can't find any criminals, I'm afraid we will be punished." Well, it's not impossible for him to fabricate such a reason first, let's just wait and see, if we can't find the criminal later, we will see how he ends up, even if there is the emperor's order, I will go with him in front of the emperor Let's argue."

Princess Chengying also supported her and said: "The emperor's sister is right. We are the eldest princess of the royal family, and we are all like golden branches and jade leaves. This He Bingren is too unreasonable. If you dare to break into the palace of the emperor's sister today, you may be killed tomorrow." Dare to break into the palace, how can you obey if you don’t punish severely? Where is the dignity of the royal family?”

Concubine Xin nodded, and the three women who were at war with each other just now were fighting against each other and facing each other. He Bingren couldn't laugh or cry: he deserved it!Sure enough, there is no reason to talk to women.

He didn't argue with the three women, he just watched the sent officials come back one after another, all of them brought back news of nothing, and his head was gradually sweating.

Until all the officials came back, the result was the same. While wiping his sweat, He Bingren apologized to Princess Pingwu and Concubine Xin, but obviously, the mother and daughter didn't want to let him go.

Princess Pingwu said: "Master He, you said that you have sent someone to invite the imperial decree to find the residence of the eldest princess. My palace will ask you, where is the imperial decree?"

He Bingren panicked and said, "Holy... imperial decree Xu is still on the way."

Princess Pingwu sneered, "Still on the way? Doesn't this mean that Lord He didn't have the emperor's imperial edict on him, so he led people to break into Princess Princess' mansion and searched it hard?"

He Bingren didn't dare to answer, and was questioned again by Princess Pingwu, before he answered vigorously: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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