Chapter 2343

A woman walked out from the crowd, "Returning to my lord, it is the slaves who went to the salt field outside the city."

Gao Yuansi looked at the woman, saw that her eyes were clear, she did not intend to dodge, she did not seem to be lying, and asked, "Why did you go to the salt factory?"

The woman didn't look at anyone after hearing this, but spoke in a neither humble nor haughty manner, she seemed to have seen the world, "The servant girl was originally a female official in the palace's teaching workshop. , to run an art gallery for the eldest princess. On that day, the steward Zhang of the salt field said that he wanted to congratulate his son Zhang Chong with his hair, so he bought a girl from me and asked me to send it to me. But because he was too stingy, he didn’t buy any. He is young, but he is very happy to see his son. Unexpectedly, I just sent him there, and within a day, there was news that he strangled him to death. Although it was strangled to death, the woman just did it Bought for my concubine’s room, but it was ruined to death, but it’s not there.”

"Then why didn't anyone mention the woman's origin at that time? And you didn't come out to testify after the incident?"

The woman saw that Princess Chengying had recruited everything before, and felt that she had nothing to hide, "I didn't dare to say this, but the woman's background is a bit difficult to tell. She was originally from the official family. The woman was sold by the officials because of something wrong with her family. The servants bought her because she was good-looking, and she could make money by following the rules. Who knew that she had a strong temper, and always said that one day her husband would come to rescue her, saying She refused to sell her body for anything. The servant raised her for a few years, but she didn't earn any money. It was because she offended many high-ranking officials and nobles. It happened that the surname Zhang came to buy her, and the servant wanted to sell her. No matter how much you can't pay too much At that time, the servant girl also made an agreement with the surnamed Zhang. This woman has a lot of background, so let him hide a little bit of her life experience. I thought he would hesitate for a while, but who knows that he seems to have taken a fancy to that woman, without saying a word I bought it back. Now that I think about it, it’s a little strange, but he doesn’t seem to be afraid of getting into trouble.”

Gao Yuansi didn't expect this level, "Where did that woman come from?"

The woman said: "Her name is Liu Luan, and her natal family is the Liu family that was confiscated when the late emperor was in power because of the case of exchanging princes privately. When the Liu family was in trouble, she and her husband were at the Liu family. She did not escape the fate of being betrayed by the officials, and only she thought that her ruthless husband would come to rescue her. No one in the world knows that anyone who can avoid suspicion after something happened to the Liu family will avoid suspicion. How could she come back to die? It's a pity that she is still waiting obsessively."

Princess Pingwu heard the words, but said strangely: "At that time, you were Liu Luan who recommended to Guanshi Zhang?"

The woman thought for a while and said: "It's not considered a recommendation. At that time, Guanshi Zhang was picking it up by himself. At that time, he was also a little moved by Liu Luan. The servant girl thought that Liu Luan didn't know good and bad, and he was too old. This time, I don't like it. I don’t know how much money I’ll have to pay if I’m bought away, so I said a few nice words, and now that I think about it...that manager seems to be here for Liu Luan.”

Gao Yuansi immediately said: "You really mean what you say?"

The woman thought about it again, and said affirmatively: "That's right, the servant didn't let Liu Luan come out before, and he was not satisfied after seeing it a few times. He didn't seem to be moved until Liu Luan came out."

Hao'er said decisively: "Go and find out what kind of enmity that manager Zhang has with the Liu family. If you think about it, finding out will be the key to this case."

Gao Yuansi took the order and He Bingren led people back to continue investigating the case.

By the way, those who belonged to Princess Chengying's mansion who were escorted up were also taken outside the palace, and they were allowed to leave the palace with Princess Chengying later.At this moment, Princess Chengying couldn't see that she was too nervous and fell into the trap.

(End of this chapter)

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