Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2344 So Much Resentment

Chapter 2344 So Much Resentment

The eldest princess Chengying finally understood. Although the emperor had planned to give herself some flair early in the morning, as a way to let herself out, she didn't want to take this matter too seriously and ask someone to bring her people. It was because it was related to the case, and I wanted these people to be the last straw that broke the camel's camel's back, but I couldn't hold back and sold myself.

Thinking of those recruited just now, even the best investigators may not be able to investigate in such detail. Thinking about it, the emperor left her [-]% of his family wealth, which is considered a kindness.

Princess Chengying didn't dare to complain, she only regretted secretly in her heart, but it seemed that she had nothing to regret, even if she didn't do it this time, the emperor might use some bad tricks to deal with her, the ending might not be worse than this, The only thing she couldn't let go of was...why did she recruit everything?Even if you recruit half of them and keep the other half.

Coming out of the Hall of Qinzheng, Princess Chengying glared at Princess Pingwu fiercely, "Pingwu, Miss Huang thinks she treats you well, is that how you cheated her?"

Princess Pingwu sneered, "Miss Huang, are you blaming Pingwu? But Pingwu thinks it's just a retaliation. Before the imperial sister encouraged Ping Wu to marry far away and go to Baiqiu to get married, didn't she harm Pingwu? Ping Wu thinks that he has no enmity with Huang Jie, but Huang Jie treats Ping Wu like this, if Ping Wu hadn't finally figured it out, he would have been cheated by Huang Jie for the rest of his life."

"No grudges?" Princess Chengying sneered again and again, "The enmity between us is so great, why do you have a mother and concubine who loves you like jewels and treasures? But my mother and concubine only complains about me." I don’t have the ability to let my father make my younger brother the crown prince. Why can you make Xiaoyaozi fall in love with me, but I can only guard that heartless son-in-law and live a life like a resentful wife? Why are you so lucky, since childhood You have a deep relationship with the emperor, and now you can act recklessly? Why..."

"That's enough!" Princess Pingwu couldn't listen anymore, she didn't expect Princess Chengying to have so much resentment towards her, but what does it have to do with her? "Your mother concubine treats you badly. That's your mother's concubine's business. Why should you blame other people for having a mother? You have no relationship with the son-in-law. It's because you didn't really treat the son-in-law as your husband because of your status as a princess. And That Xiaoyaozi, your admiration for him is your business, what does it have to do with me? Do you say that I am reckless? Am I conniving at the sect to bully the market? Or bully men and women? Compared with you, big sister, the emperor thinks she is pure There are too many. Instead of being jealous and envious of others here, it is better to find the reason in yourself. Why do you live in such a miserable state? As a royal princess, you don’t have to face the fate of getting married, and you can even choose your own marriage. Do you think you are very lucky? Let me tell you, Sister Huang, you are really born in the midst of blessings and don’t know your blessings, you are simply spoiled.”

Princess Pingwu's words made Princess Chengying furious. She looked at the servants with drooping heads, who were ashamed but unable to refute. Finally, she flicked her sleeves and led her servants who were escorted to the palace to turn away. .

Princess Pingwu could still hear those people explaining to Princess Chengying as they walked that they really didn't want to betray Princess Chengying when they went to the palace. Those who brought them here only said that they brought them here to ask about something.

The more Princess Chengying heard, the more annoyed she became. The more they distanced themselves from the relationship, the more it showed that she was stupid. Thinking of Qicheng's family property being confiscated, Princess Chengying really wanted to spit blood.

(End of this chapter)

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