Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2345 Revenge

Chapter 2345 Revenge
When Gao Yuansi sent someone to arrest Zhang Guanshi, Zhang Guanshi still had a smile on his face, and he was neither humble nor overbearing when he saw Gao Yuansi, his eyes were no longer as shrewd as before, and the righteousness made Gao Yuansi feel that the person standing in front of him was not a case The key person, on the contrary, looks like a righteous man.

Gao Yuansi knew that Guanshi Zhang was thoughtful, and the more he was like this, the more Gao Yuansi would not take it lightly, and the questions he asked became sharper and sharper.

I thought Guanshi Zhang would refuse to answer, or deny it in every possible way, but I didn't expect him to answer every question. Not only did he know everything, but he even talked endlessly. He would take the initiative to ask many questions that Gao Yuansi didn't ask. Gao Yuansi was amazed by his honest confession, but he didn't know what his purpose was.

Gao Yuansi asked him: "About the case of Zhang Chong's killing of Liu Luan, but you planned it secretly?"

Zhang Guanshi said: "Master Gao is wise. This case was not only designed by the villain, but also participated in by the villain himself from the beginning to the end. Even Liu Luan's death was also done by the villain. Zhang Chong was just used by the villain. Then Liu Luan Although he was strangled to death, he was not really ruined before he died."

"Since it was all done by you, why did you frame Zhang Chong? And why did you want to drag Princess Chengying? You just recruited it truthfully."

Guanshi Zhang sneered, "If you don't get involved with Princess Chengying, who would care about the life and death of a dancer? And how would anyone know that the dead dancer was the daughter of the mighty Liu family? Hehe, the Liu family, back then The late emperor did not drive them all to extinction, but one day they will have no descendants."

Gao Yuansi understood that Zhang Zhang and the Liu family had a sworn feud, so he planned to kill Liu Luan, and he was afraid that the case would not cause a sensation, so he implicated the eldest princess Chengying. Being implicated by the innocent, but it is not an exaggeration to get such an end for the things he has done in these years. Zhang Guanshi is not talking about it randomly, but it is somewhat of an intention to eliminate harm for the people.

Of course, if he hadn't gotten involved with Princess Chengying, who was already full of misdemeanors, most others would not be able to make such a big fuss.

"Tell me, what kind of blood feud do you have with the Liu family? Why would you rather risk your own life to take revenge on the Liu family?"

Zhang Guanshi's eyes instantly turned red, "Ten years ago, my pregnant son went to Beijing to rush for the exam. Because the number one scholar in high school was in the spotlight for a while, he was favored by countless ladies from famous families in Beijing. He had a real heart, so he fell in love with that Liu Luan." I'm happy with each other. Seeing that the marriage is settled, Liu Luan is a flirtatious woman who has sex with others, and happened to be met by my poor bosom. Liu Luan was afraid that things would be revealed, so he made a plan with his adulterer to kill me Huai'er of Huai'er, lied to the outside world that he accidentally fell to his death. But by chance, Huai'er's book boy saw it. Fortunately, he escaped cleverly, otherwise the truth of Huai'er's murder would never be revealed. And then came A group of mysterious people inquired about my family's situation everywhere. If I hadn't had the foresight to escape with my family, my family would have been murdered. Later, our family traveled around and came to the capital five years ago. Liu’s house was ransacked before he could take revenge, but fortunately, God has a good eye. Some time ago, the book boy in my family recognized Liu Luan, but the adulterer escaped. Originally bought After Liu Luan, I wanted to torture her slowly, but she said that she and that adulterer are as deep as the sea, as long as he is still alive, he will come back to save her one day, I just thought she died, and then I will If things get serious, if the adulterer still has feelings for her, he will definitely come back to worship her, and then I can avenge Huai'er. And my Chong'er also wants to avenge my brother wholeheartedly, he is innocent. "

(End of this chapter)

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