Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2347 It's a pity that I went astray

Chapter 2347 It's a pity that I went astray
After reading the account book, Lu Anlang said: "A few days ago, there was continuous torrential rain in the south. Fortunately, the dam was built last year. Although the water potential in some places caused the embankment to burst, most areas have resisted the heavy rain. Although thousands of dollars were invested in the construction of the dam last year. Ten thousand taels of silver, but the people will be able to live and work in peace and contentment for many years to come."

Hao Er was a little dissatisfied, "Last year when the embankment was built, a group of officials who wanted to embezzle money were caught, and they were executed according to the law, but they were never released because of their complicated relationship, but keeping it locked up is not an option. Uncle thinks what should be done?" Lost?"

Lu Anlang said: "As the saying goes: When the water is clear, there will be no fish. These people have backers behind them. If they pull out carrots and bring out mud, half of the court officials may be implicated. It may not be a wise move for the country or the people. In my opinion, not beheading is not enough to warn others, but there is no need to be too clear before beheading, as long as the officials and the people in the court can see the emperor's relentless attitude towards corrupt officials. If they die, the officials behind them I breathed a sigh of relief, and I dare not be as insatiable as before in the future."

Hao'er thinks that Lu Anlang's words are reasonable, he has only been on the throne for a short time, if all these problems left by the previous dynasty are uprooted at once, it may really create a situation where no one can be used.What is even more frightening is that after causing panic among those officials, if they unite to rebel, it will be a real disaster.

When Baili Hanfeng was in power, how many officials in the world were not greedy?That was the result of the situation, and he was helpless.

The servant ran in and said that Gao Yuansi was looking for an audience outside, and Hao'er hurried to let people in. He was just such a queen, and naturally his father-in-law was just like that. Unlike other emperors who only regarded their father-in-law as a courtier, Hao'er was sincere. Respect Gao Yuansi as his father-in-law.

But the emperor has only one empress, not a single concubine. The husband and wife are of the same heart, and the empress's natal family is also of the same heart as the emperor. In the entire court, there are only two families that Haoer trusts the most, one is Yingwuhou's mansion, and the other is the empress. parents' house.

After Gao Yuansi came in, Hao'er smiled and said, "Father-in-law finished the trial?"

Gao Yuansi handed over Guanshi Zhang's confession, and Hao'er took it and read it. He was stunned for a moment, and handed it to Lu Anlang, "Uncle, you should take a look too, there are still these things involved in this case."

Lu Anlang also read it again, and in the end it was a little unbelievable. Before, he and Jiang Caiyue wondered why Xiao Hao hated Liang Guo. The kind of desire to be an enemy of Liang Guo could not be done without hatred. of.

Now after reading this confession, he understands that Xiao Hao is probably Liu Luan's escaped husband. He never thought that he was involved in the death of the number one scholar Zhang Huaizhi ten years ago.

Gao Yuansi asked: "Can Guangfa documents still be used for Liu Luan's death? Then Xiao Hao is still at large, and he doesn't know where he is hiding."

Hao'er said: "No need, Xiao Hao is dead, and he won't see the paperwork after it's issued."

Gao Yuansi was startled, "Dead? How does the emperor know?"

About Xiao Hao's infinite resurrection, Hao'er will not tell Gao Yuansi about it, but Xiao Hao's identity has nothing to hide, so he sent Lu Anlang and Jiang Caiyue to the person they met when they went to the ancient Rong country to save Su Chen. An ancient Rong State teacher, and how he was killed.

Gao Yuansi couldn't help sighing after hearing this, "The world is so unpredictable, then Xiao Hao is a talent, but it's a pity that he went astray. Fortunately, An Lang and your husband and wife took his life by coincidence, otherwise Liang Guo would be in danger."

(End of this chapter)

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