Chapter 2348
Lu Anlang nodded, "He was able to take refuge in the Ancient Rong Kingdom and become an enemy of the Liang Kingdom. I think he has some real feelings for Liu Luan. Now that this person is dead, there is no need to issue the document. Why don't Mr. Gao tell the truth to Guan Zhang?" .”

"But there is one thing. How should the case of him killing Liu Luan be judged?"

Hao'er laughed and said, "Why does father-in-law ask such a question?"

Gao Yuan thought: "According to the law, killing people pays for their lives, but he is avenging his son, and Liu Luan really killed Zhang Huai, and he deserves to die. If there is a sentence, I think the law is nothing more than human... "

Gao Yuansi looked at Hao'er after speaking, Hao'er couldn't laugh or cry, "Father-in-law wants to be a good official who judges cases fairly, so he entrusted this problem to me?"

Gao Yuansi smiled in satisfaction, Hao'er had no choice but to say: "This matter is easy to deal with. I have ordered that Liu Luan's crime is extremely heinous. It is understandable for Zhang Guanshi to avenge his son. Let's end this matter."

Gao Yuansi immediately said: "I obey the order!"

Hao'er quietly rolled his eyes. His father-in-law is indeed devoted to him, but under his simple and honest appearance, he has a dark heart. If there is something difficult to decide or if he is afraid of affecting his reputation, he will come to him to make an order , this trick is very useful.

He also talked about some recent state affairs, Lu Anlang and Gao Yuansi left together, left the palace and said goodbye, Gao Yuansi returned to his yamen to continue working, and Lu Anlang returned home.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Jiang Caiyue and Qi Nanqin arranging medicinal materials in the yard. These are all used in the medical clinic outside. Except for some produced in the space, there are many collected on weekdays, even if they are mixed together. , the efficacy of the medicine is also better than that of the pharmacies outside, and the medical skills of Dr. Zhan and Dr. Xu are also rumored to be miraculous. Except for some strange diseases that they have never seen or heard of, Jiang Caiyue is not as busy these days as before. up.

And Qi Nanqin got a few big pots specially used for cooking medicinal materials. The processing of various medicinal materials is much less time-consuming and labor-intensive than before. They are all based on the principle of the medicinal material processing machines in the space. It is not convenient for those medicinal material processing machines. When used, the machine developed by Qi Nanqin can solve major problems. After Gao Yingnan sent people to study with Qi Nanqin, he planned to process a large number of them and send them to hospitals in various places.

The idea of ​​those hospitals to the outside world is said to be given by Rong Bing, but in fact it is Jiang Caiyue who set some words on Rong Bing. Rong Bing, who is completely ignorant of the inside story, really thinks it is her credit and is complacent.

The servant girl greeted Lu Anlang back, and Jiang Caiyue, who was instructing people to turn over the medicinal materials, turned her head and greeted Lu Anlang, "Didn't you say you will stay in the palace for a while today?"

Lu Anlang took her hand and said: "The emperor had something to discuss with me, but now he came back after the discussion."

Jiang Caiyue said: "It's good if you come back. Yingnan sent someone to send a batch of glass in the morning, all of which were just made. I think it's not bad. I'm asking the craftsmen who came to replace our windows. Come and see how it goes."

If the windows need to be replaced with glass, naturally they can no longer use the old windows. At this time, starting from the room where Qi Nanqin lives, the windows are pried down and reinstalled.

Because the size has been measured before, what I have to do today is to reinstall the window frame and then press the finished window frame.

Jiang Caiyue didn't like windows that opened sideways. Such windows would be easily damaged if they were forgotten to close on a windy day, so they made them push-pull.

(End of this chapter)

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