Chapter 2355

For a whole day, Xu Taiping couldn't do anything, Xiao Hao was in mourning.

Xu Taiping's headache felt as if it was about to explode, but he gritted his teeth and endured it all the time, he didn't believe that his concentration could not handle a soul.It’s okay to say during the day, Xu Taiping used various things to distract his attention, but at night, everyone fell asleep, Xiao Hao continued to shout, when Xu Taiping couldn’t stand it anymore, Xiao Hao would trick him into handing over his body. To himself, Xu Taiping simply ignored him, the worst was not to sleep, he didn't believe that he was so sleepy and still couldn't fall asleep, at most he could take a pill if he couldn't stand it anymore, and then compete with him after sleeping.

Xiao Hao also refused to admit defeat and kept screaming all night. Xu Taiping woke up with big dark circles under his eyes in the morning. Lu Anlang, who came back from the next morning, saw him and shook his head repeatedly, "Why are you so stubborn with him? You can sleep well after taking the medicine. gone."

Xu Taiping waved his hand, "I see, he just wants to torment me. I really can't bear it anymore. Let's see who can't hold on in the end."

Lu Anlang smiled, and went back to the backyard to play with Dani Erni.

It was another whole day of turmoil, Xiao Hao seemed to have endless energy to vent, and made noise day and night, at the beginning Xu Taiping would persuade a few words, after all, people cannot be resurrected after death, Xu Taiping thought that Xiao Hao's troubles like this might be true Because he was sad for Liu Luan, but no matter what he said, Xiao Hao would not stop, not even take a break, Xu Taiping admired his inhuman ability, but he didn't bother to talk to him.

The noise was unbearable on the first day, and the noise was also unbearable on the second day. On the third day, Xu Taiping, who was so sleepy that he couldn't stand it, was able to sleep peacefully for two hours amidst Xiao Hao's crying, and woke up. After arriving, Xu Taiping only felt that his whole body was full of strength, and after eating the calming soup that Jiang Caiyue specially boiled with space water, his whole body was refreshed, and it seemed that Xiao Hao's crying sound was not so unbearable.

On the fourth day, Xu Taiping, who was used to the noise, was able to ignore Xiao Hao's crying and read a book quietly.

On the fifth day...Xu Taiping was less and less affected by the noise, and he didn't know whether it was his illusion, or he was used to the noise, but Xiao Hao's voice sounded weaker and weaker to him.

One day, Xu Taiping was sitting in the gazebo in the front yard reading a book, his head suddenly became quiet, which made Xu Taiping very uncomfortable, he even forgot to read the book, subconsciously asked: "Tired?"

After not hearing Xiao Hao's voice for a long time, Xu Taiping was a little worried for Xiao Hao, thinking that he would kill himself, right?It's really surprising.

But as soon as the idea came up, Xiao Hao said: "I thought about it, instead of killing one thousand enemies and hurting ourselves eight hundred, why don't we cooperate. As long as you avenge me, I will leave you and give you peace .”

Xu Taiping said without thinking: "I can't trust you!"

Xiao Hao sighed: "Don't you really want to live like this with me forever?"

Xu Taiping thought for a while, "I don't want to, but if you can leave, you probably would have left long ago. Since you can't leave, it is inevitable that you will disappear one day. Even if I don't do anything for you, you should If it disappears, it will disappear, so why would I bother to leave in exchange for you, to be used by you? I also know that you have no good intentions."

Xiao Hao didn't want Xu Taiping to know him so well, he didn't know what to say for a while, and continued to cry after a while.

Xu Taiping's head buzzed again and again, and the brief peace before was even more precious.But at the same time, Xu Taiping seemed to be sure of one thing, Xiao Hao might not exist in his mind forever, and might disappear at some point, otherwise he wouldn't have worked so hard to encourage himself to surrender his body. To him, chances are his existence is limited.

Thinking of these, Xu Taiping became more determined to fight Xiao Hao to the end!

(End of this chapter)

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