Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2356 Why bother?

Chapter 2356 Why bother?

Yuxiang had nothing to do in the cooked food workshop today. She came back earlier, carrying two baskets filled with cooked food from the workshop. Jiang Caiyue said that she was going to have a banquet at Mrs. Li’s house in the evening. Mrs. Li repeatedly asked to take it away, and Yuxiang brought it back when she came back.

Just after turning around the Moon Gate, I saw Xu Taiping sitting in the pavilion reading. I heard Jiang Caiyue talk about Xu Taiping's current situation before. Although I wanted to sympathize with him from the bottom of my heart, I thought it was a bit funny when I thought about it. So did Xiao Hao. Weird, picking Xu Taiping, who is even more weird, is actually pitiful to say the least.

Yuxiang originally wanted to go back to the backyard directly, but when she saw Xu Taiping, she felt a little sympathy for him, and thinking about his confession to her that day, her head got hot for some reason, so she called softly: "Master Xu..."

Xu Taiping didn't respond, his head was buzzing after being tortured by Xiao Hao, his perception of external sounds was much weaker, and he didn't hear Yuxiang's voice for a while.Not only did he not hear Yuxiang's shout, but it has been rumored in the mansion in recent days that Mr. Xu does not go to work all day. Perhaps there is something wrong with his ears, and he often does not respond to people talking to him. It is really a pity for him. This new champion.

Yuxiang called out and Xu Taiping didn't respond, so she didn't have the interest to speak anymore, and went straight to the backyard, but Xu Taiping just looked up and saw Yuxiang's figure, and was overjoyed at that time, "Miss Yuxiang, please stay. "

Yuxiang called him just now, but he didn't respond. Although he guessed that he might not have heard it, but for some reason, he felt a little sore in his heart. Yuxiang wanted to pretend that he didn't hear Xu Taiping's call.

But just as she stepped into the backyard door, a servant girl came out in front of her, holding a pot of tea and two plates of snacks in her hands, apparently to deliver to Xu Taiping.

Seeing that Yuxiang was about to enter the courtyard, the servant girl said strangely: "Miss Yuxiang, Master Xu is calling you!"

Perhaps from her point of view, Xu Taiping's cry was like thunder, why Miss Yuxiang didn't hear it.Yuxiang couldn't pretend that she didn't hear it anymore, and when she turned around, she saw Xu Taiping's surprise when she turned around, "Miss Yuxiang..."

That excited and looking forward to being ignored looks a bit like a big dog raised in Jiang Caiyue's space, Yuxiang couldn't bear to say "ah" for a moment, Xu Taiping was so happy that he was at a loss, he should have been ashamed, From Yuxiang's point of view, she was actually kind of cute.

Xiao Hao, who was quarreling in Xu Taiping's mind, also fell silent, and it took him a long time to utter three words: What a shame!

Xu Taiping didn't care at all, and walked up to Yuxiang in a few steps, "Miss Yuxiang, are you still blaming me?"

Yuxiang thought for a while and shook her head, "Master Xu didn't do anything wrong, why should I blame you for saying that?"

Ordinarily, Xu Taiping thought that he should be happy when he heard Yuxiang said that he didn't blame him, but seeing Yuxiang's indifferent attitude, he felt that Yuxiang really didn't have him in his heart, otherwise why didn't he seem to care at all?Didn't she think about what he said when he confessed to her these days, let alone the possibility of them being together?

Seeing Xu Taiping's disappointed face after hearing what she said, Yuxiang was also a little surprised. She thought that Xu Taiping couldn't be blamed for being climbed into bed by Rong Bing that day. I was almost taken advantage of by Rong Bing, but nothing happened after all. Now Rong Bing is also being punished, and Jiang Caiyue is allotted to that Zhuang Ding. There is a quarrel every three days, every five days, and life is very miserable. , can be regarded as a lesson learned, Xu Taiping should be relieved.

But looking at him like this, he seems to be out of his mind. Could it be that he is still brooding about being taken advantage of by Rong Bing?

(End of this chapter)

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