Chapter 1
Tang Shiqi woke up from the pain.

Youyou opened your eyes, the blood left from his forehead happened to enter his eyes, he raised his hand to wipe his eyes, and his vision improved slightly.

With the dim light of the oil lamp, she quickly scanned her surroundings.

A temple in disrepair, with three holes in the roof, only one door, and damaged, without any defensive weapons and tools.

After a long period of training and practice, he has long cultivated the temperament of not being surprised.

It's just that her head hurts badly, and many images flooded her mind, all of which were people and things she was not familiar with.

The Mu family, Mu Shiqi, Li Guo, Zong Zhengyu, Mu Yao, a beggar, were raped, and committed suicide by bumping into the Guanyin statue.

The temple in my memory is where I am, and even the wound on my forehead is the same place where I collided with that woman.

Raising his hand again, Tang Shiqi's eyes flashed with astonishment. This body was not her own.

For the sake of being the head of the Tang Sect, she, Tang Shiqi, tossed herself so hard that she lost her shape.

People who have been lying in the five poison nests can't find a single piece of complete skin on their bodies.

But now this body is a little thinner, but the little arms that are exposed are shining with a lustrous white luster.

The little finger of the left hand that was chopped off by himself is still growing there intact.

She, Tang Shiqi, was able to distinguish between dreams and reality, adjusted her breathing a little, and became that clear-headed Tang Shiqi who was calm and calm again.

Calm down, thinking gradually clear.

A moment ago, she was besieged by 36 disciples of the Tang family, and she was red-eyed.He thought that even if he died, he would have to kill those traitors first.

Unexpectedly, he just resorted to a Soul Devourer and lost consciousness...

She remembered the warning in "The Heart of the Soul", the soul eater, devouring other people's souls, harming oneself, the soul is out of the body, be careful!

Out of body!
Tang Shiqi probably understood his situation.

Now she is not only out of her body, but also in this body called Mu Shiqi.

Inherited all the memories of Mu Shiqi, and found that Mu Shiqi was the same as himself.

Without the protection of his parents, he was bullied at Mu's house, so he lived a timid and cowardly life.

Until he met Zong Zhengyu, he thought he had met his beloved, so he eloped with him with a small burden.

Unexpectedly, everything was set up by her cousin Mu Yao. In the ruined temple, her beloved changed his face instantly.

Not to mention humiliating her in every possible way, but also watching her being insulted by those beggars that Mu Yao found and looked up and laughed.

To keep his innocence, Mu Shiqi committed suicide in front of the Avalokitesvara statue. It seemed that God couldn't stand it any longer, and suddenly there was lightning and thunder.

The group of beggars scared her away, thinking that her ghost was causing trouble.

In the end, her innocence was preserved, but her life was gone.

No, it should be said that life is still there, but the person is not that person anymore.

Tang Shiqi hooked the corner of his mouth and sneered.

Just Mu Shiqi's cowardly and cowardly temperament, even if he didn't show up like today, he could only live a humble and pitiful life in Mu's house.

Maybe one day I will be killed, it is better to get rid of it earlier.

Now that she has taken over this body, she has to pay back the debts owed by those people for her.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!She has always been a vengeful master!
Mu Shiqi was actually a girl like herself who didn't even have a decent name.

Since it is so predestined, then she will be her from now on!
After tidying up the rags that could no longer be regarded as clothes, and preparing to treat the wound, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the temple.

Tick ​​tock, getting closer and closer.

Leaning straight on the back of the stone platform, the whole body became alert.

It shouldn't be Mu Yao's group, because they didn't ride a horse just now.

Guessing, four men in black had already appeared at the temple gate.

One strode forward, and the other three stood around and behind him.

The four people's reactions were quite sharp, and they looked at Tang Shiqi—the current Mu Shiqi's direction at the same time.

Mu Shiqi didn't dodge, his eyes fell on the man in the middle, and he stayed for a moment before moving to the other people.

The man in the middle glanced at her lightly, paused, and waved his hand.

When Mu Shiqi realized it, he already had a man's robe on his body, which was wet but had a faint temperature.

Just now, she instinctively wanted to escape, but the man moved too fast, and her new body was very slow.

Before he could move, the clothes had already fallen on him.

He nodded his thanks to the man, his voice was slightly hoarse, maybe he shouted too much when he was just being violently treated.

He tidied up his clothes neatly, and tore off a rag from his body to bandage the wound.

She is the Tang Sect's once-in-a-hundred-year poison doctor, and she didn't take this little injury on her forehead to heart at all.

Here, Hu Xiao's sturdy body stood in front of Dugu Chen and said, "Master, I gave her your clothes...why don't you wear the subordinate's."

Dugu Chen moved his chin imperceptibly, signaling not to use it.

Hu Xiao looked in Tang Shiqi's direction again.

"It's very unusual for a girl like her to appear in this ruined temple in the middle of the night. Why don't you go down and arrest her?"

It's no wonder that Hu Xiao was suspicious, seeing that Mu Shiqi treated his wound without frowning.

The technique is quick and accurate, as if there is an eye growing on that hand.

It was wrapped up in two or three strokes, and the whole person was calm and scary, not like a girl from an ordinary family.

Hu Xiao wanted to continue talking, but Dugu Chen swallowed the words with a glance over.

It's not that he doesn't know how to look at people, but that his master's meaning is too difficult to figure out.

Who would have imagined that Dugu Chen, who usually does not see women within four or five steps of his body, would take off his clothes to this stranger.

He just wanted to ask this girl how she moved his cold-blooded master with a hard heart.

Not to mention the girl's ragged appearance, even if she was naked, his father might not even take a look at her.

Maybe only Dugu Chen understood that the moment he saw this woman just now, he returned to the past that he didn't want to think about.

The feeling that only he knew overflowed his limbs, forcing him to take off his clothes.

He only knew that something in his heart was shouting, don't let him see this scene.

Because it is a heavy rain, it comes and goes quickly.

The rain stopped, and Mu Shiqi sat quietly for a long time.

It seemed that he was just sitting there quietly, but in fact he had adjusted his breath a little with Tangmen's inner strength method.

Unexpectedly, although this new body is thin and small, it has martial arts muscles and bones that are rare in a century.

It's just that since childhood, his acupoints and meridians have been sealed and he has become a useless person who cannot practice martial arts.

But for her, breaking through the barriers of acupoints and meridians is not a difficult problem.

The Tang Sect has made enemies all over the world, and it is inevitable that there will be times when people seal their meridians.

But the Tang family didn't want to be controlled by others, so they created a set of self-cultivation methods to unblock the tendons.

In addition to the medicine and poison classics in her head, the rest are these inner thoughts.

An illegitimate daughter of the Tang family, who was able to become the number one master of the Tang Sect at the age of 15, and succeed the head of the Tang Sect at the age of 17.

Relying on not only the superb ability of medicine and poison, but also the terrifying cultivation of force.

(End of this chapter)

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