Chapter 2 Yasha Allure
It's just that now that he has changed his body, he has lost all his internal strength, so he has to start all over again.

As soon as the rain stopped, Lonely Chen and his party got on their horses and left, neatly as if they had never been to this ruined temple.

After taking a breath, Mu Shiqi felt better. He got up and patted the dust off his body when the sky was bright and walked out.

Her pace was neither too fast nor too slow, if it wasn't for the scar on her forehead and the mess all over her body, she wouldn't be able to see anything special about her at all.

It took about an hour or so to walk outside the city gate.

The soldiers guarding the city obviously knew her, and they laughed all over their faces.

"Hey, isn't this the ugly girl from Mu's family? If you don't stay at home, what's the point of running around, don't scare other people's children to tears."

"Ugly girl, ugly girl!" The children on the side also booed, picked up small stones from the side of the road and threw them at Mu Shiqi.

The child in the lead was the most naughty, he picked up the biggest stone and greeted her on the forehead.

I remember being stoned like this when I was five years old.

Later, she caught a few poisonous snakes and threw them into those people's quilts.

When those people saw her later, they automatically avoided her.

But now that she is sixteen, there is no need to be so troublesome.

Reaching out to catch the thrown stone, he looked coldly at the leading child.

After a few steps, he grabbed the child's clothes and dragged him up the tower.

The onlookers obviously didn't expect her to come out so suddenly, but they still held the attitude of watching the show.

Thinking that she would at most drag the child over and slap him a few times to vent her hatred, but no one stepped forward to stop him.

Unexpectedly, Mu Shiqi took the child directly up to the city tower, and pushed the child to the edge of the city wall.

"Is it fun? Then I'll play with you." The voice was cold and clear, not loud, but it made people feel chills in their hearts.

It was only then that everyone realized that something was wrong. There was already a lively scene outside the city gate, and this commotion was even more explosive.

"Oh, that ugly girl from the Mu family is crazy! She's planning to push that child down."

"Whose child is this, my God!"

"Release that child!"


The child's parents also came after hearing the news, pointing at Mu Shiqi and yelling, "Oh, you are going to kill someone! Miss Mu's family is going to kill someone!"

"Let go of my son, you poisonous woman!"

Mu Shiqi sneered, "I don't know what kind of parents can raise such impolite children. I'm relieved to see you like this. Since you don't want to discipline your sons well, I will teach them for you today." !"

The child was already covered in cold sweat, crying loudly in fright, and his legs were shaking violently.

The expression on Mu Shiqi's face did not change, he was still indifferent, and leaned against the city wall again, "The first truth I teach you is that crying can't solve the problem! You have to face it when you make a mistake!"

"Crazy! You let my son go!" Seeing her move again, the other side shouted nervously.

His cold eyes turned to the parents of the child, and he sneered, "One mouthful of a lunatic, one mouthful of a vicious woman! Your son Jingui, his life is his life! Isn't it mine?"

"If I'm crazy, I'll be forced by you! Even if I die, I'll drag a few backs. If you are willing to accompany me, I will be very happy."

The child's face became more and more ugly, obviously frightened.

The crying also gradually turned into whimpering, and he began to beg for mercy, "I was wrong, I will never throw stones again next time, I was wrong."

She just wanted to scare him, no matter how cold-blooded and ruthless she was, she would never attack a half-grown child.

"The second truth I teach you is that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil!"

She didn't just say this to the child, but also to these spectators.

She doesn't know how many of them have bullied the former Mu Shiqi, but she just wants to show her power today!
As soon as she finished speaking, the crowd booed and the child nodded.

With the help of his wrist, Mu Shiqi held the child in his arms and whispered in his ear, "The third principle is that killing pays for life! A stone is enough to kill! If you pay for your life, then you What are parents going to do?"

After speaking, he pushed the child towards his parents, and he went down the tower step by step.

This way, no one dared to go forward.

Such a commotion, no matter what, really scared many people.

The soldiers guarding the city couldn't help laughing at her, so they stepped back a few steps to make way for her.

Going to Mu's house according to the memory in her mind, when she was standing between the two stone lions in Mu's house in a mess, the housekeeper of Mu's house had already heard the news and came out to welcome her.

"Miss Seventeen, what are you?"

To put it succinctly -

"Last night, the moonlight was good. I went to the mountain to enjoy the moon. I was bitten by some mad dogs, and I fell while trying to avoid it."

It's not that she doesn't want to tell the truth, the key is, will anyone believe her if she tells the truth?
In other words, let alone how miserable she is now, even if she died, who in the Mu family would care!

If she still has a little bit of status and weight in Mu's family, then it is impossible for Mu Yao to dare to find a beggar to rape her.

Seeing her man's clothes and her embarrassment, the housekeeper just smiled even though he was full of doubts, "It's fine, it's fine!"

Being able to sit in the position of housekeeper of the Mu family, he more or less knows what to ask and what not to ask.

When to open your eyes and when to close them.

All he knew was that Mu Shiqi was a bullied master in Mu's family.

It's fine if she doesn't have enough to eat, but after entering the yard, she realizes that the reality is far more cruel than she imagined.

They lived in a small, dimly lit firewood house and slept on a bed made of several planks.

There is not even the most basic bronze mirror for dressing, only a large water tank in the corner reflects her appearance.

The small face was dirty at this time, and a huge red birthmark was imprinted on the left cheek, extending from the corner of the eye to the chin, basically covering the left half of the face.

She already knew that Mu Shiqi had a birthmark on her face, which was the reason why she was ridiculed and bullied by everyone, but it was a different feeling to see her clearly.

Holding the birthmark on his left cheek, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart, this Mu Shiqi was too innocent.

Zong Zhengyu was a well-known handsome man from abroad, how could she have the confidence to think that her appearance could catch his eyes.

I thought he was a beloved man who could give his heart!In the end, what he got in exchange was the demise of the fragrance.

Ugly!Twitching the corner of his mouth, Mu Shiqi pulled out a small wooden box from under the bed according to Mu Shiqi's previous memory.

Find a white porcelain bottle from inside, pour some liquid into the palm of your hand, and rub it on the left face for a long time.

I went to the water tank and washed it with clean water a few times, and then leaned over. How could the appearance reflected in the water be described as beautiful.

The Tang Sect is rich in beauties, and his body was not ugly in the first place.

There is a Bai Xiaosheng in Jianghu who made a beauty list, and she even entered the top three.

But at this moment, when compared with the reflection in the water, this woman is surprisingly beautiful.

On the small face, the willow eyebrows are curved, the eyes are like stars, and the face is like peach blossoms.

 Come, come, come, all the judges pass by and leave paw prints.

  The author is a hardworking bee, trying to code every day...

(End of this chapter)

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