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Chapter 107 Sister Next Door vs Brother Gao Leng 58

Chapter 107 Sister Next Door vs Brother Gao Leng 58
"Mummy, I'll go back to the room to play with toys first." Wei Junyan's eyes flashed slightly, he quickly slid down from Mummy's embrace, and then said softly.

"But isn't baby hungry?" Mao Xiaoxiao looked at her son in confusion.

"...I'm not hungry anymore, I'm going to wait for grandpa to have dinner together." Wei Junyan was silent for a moment, and then said.

Mommy always treats him like a three-year-old child when it comes to treating him.

But he was about to turn five years old, and he was already a man.

"Okay then, baby, you can go!" Mao Xiaoxiao had no choice but to agree with her son after hearing this.

"Xiaoxiao, tell mom, what do you think?" Seeing that there was no one around, Mother Cat asked her daughter what she thought.

No matter what the daughter decides, they will support her.

"Mom, Yanyan needs Dad!" Mao Xiaoxiao didn't say much, just said this sentence.

She knew that her mother could understand what she meant.

Sure enough, the mother cat sighed and said, "Hey, let's talk about it when your father comes down!"

The mother cat has no desire to continue talking, she knows that her husband will handle this matter correctly.

And Mao Xiaoxiao also breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that mother cat would ask her some questions that she didn't want to answer.

An hour later, Weixing Ze and Cat Papa came down from upstairs.

And both of them had smiles of relief on their faces.
No one knew what they talked about upstairs, but everyone knew that the barrier between them seemed to have disappeared.

"It's time to eat, go and carry Yanyan downstairs!" said the cat father looking at the cat mother.

"I'll go!" Weixing Ze finished, and went upstairs without waiting for the three of them to answer.


"Son, is your name Wei Junyan?" Weixing Ze asked in a low voice as he looked at his son sitting on the ground building blocks.

"." Wei Jun said.

"Son, don't you like me?" Weixing Ze continued his efforts.

"." Wei Jun said.

"Son, are you asking for a beating?" After finishing speaking, Weixing Ze picked up Wei Junyan who was on the ground, put him on the bed, and began to tickle him.

". Childish." Wei Junyan looked at all kinds of tickling Weixing Ze in his armpit and waist, rolled his eyes and spit out two words.

"." I was confused by the naive Weixing Ze.

He really didn't expect that his son was not ticklish
Weixing Ze stopped what he was doing in embarrassment, hugged his son in his arms, rested his chin on his son's head, his heart was full of happiness and stability.

He felt that his heart, which had been wandering for several years, finally had a home.

"Son, do you want to hear the story of Daddy and Mommy?" Weixing Ze said.

"I don't want to hear it, because I already knew it. I know that you don't like Mommy, despise Mommy, and hate Mommy. I also know that you were drugged and forced to sleep with Mommy, and then I got me." Wei Jun said without a word.

"." Weixing Ze was stunned, and then his face darkened.

Who told this little one these things?Could it be a cat?The cat knew the truth but disappeared for five years?

Thinking of this, Weixing Ze's eyes flashed with treachery, and then he regained his composure.

".I just want to know, are you not looking for Mommy with your heart? Or are you just too stupid?" Wei Junyan's childish voice was full of contempt and puzzlement.

  "Wei Wuxian" is big, "Fallen Angel" is big, for the reward and support of this book (^_-)
(End of this chapter)

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