Quick Pass Raiders: Blackened BOSS, please calm down

Chapter 108 Sister Next Door vs Brother Gao Leng 59

Chapter 108 Sister Next Door vs Brother Gao Leng 59
".I searched with all my heart. I have been searching for five years, but it seems that I was blocked by a mysterious force from finding you. I always got a little clue but was interrupted again." Weixing Ze pursed his lips, Said a little decadently.

"...It really is so stupid. I found out about all of your affairs through Internet information and investigations half a year ago, and your every move these years has been under my surveillance. But you are still honest and have not messed around outside. Come, otherwise, I don't mind letting you try my tricks." Wei Junyan said in a childish voice.

"." Weixing Ze's mouth twitched.

Feelings, this little guy in front of me is still the ultimate big boss?

"I don't believe it." Weixing Ze said without hesitation.

Because his whereabouts have always been secretive, and
"Heh, I'll convince you." After speaking, Wei Junyan jumped out of Weixingze's arms.

Weixing Ze opened his treasure chest, and there were a lot of photos and materials in it, all about Weixing Ze.

"." Weixing Ze's face darkened.

I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it's okay. Fortunately, my unknown side has not been found out by the little guy.
"Okay, Daddy admits that he is not as good as his son, can my son accept me?" Wei Weize rubbed his son's head helplessly.

Well, soft and fluffy, just like his mommy.

"It's okay to forgive you, but you have to promise me one thing." Wei Junyan said mysteriously.

"What's the matter? Let's hear it?" Weixing Ze became interested.

"From now on, you can do whatever I ask you to do." Wei Junyan said.

"No." Weixing Ze said without thinking.

"." Wei Junyan glared at Weixing Ze angrily.

"I will do whatever you ask me to do? I'm still not your daddy? You must tell me what you want to do, and then I will agree to you when I think it is feasible." Weixing Ze said seriously.

"." Feeling like my father thought he was going to do something illegal?He just wants not to be blocked when he buys things in the future.

Every time he asked for those complicated models or other things, he would be stopped by his mommy, who said in a euphemistic way: "Baby, you are too young, these things are not suitable for you, they are played by big brothers in their teens." .”

Therefore, he wanted to win over this stupid cheap daddy to his side.

"Okay, I just want you to buy me something I want." Wei Junyan said quietly after a long silence.

"Oh, so it's shopping? Okay, Daddy has plenty of money, and my son can buy anything he wants, except for people, of course." Weixing Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

He really didn't understand what was going on in this little grown-up son's mind, so he was a little worried that what his son asked him to do was something bad.

If it's just shopping, there's no problem at all.

He thought to himself, it was probably because Maoer and the others wanted to save money on food and expenses, so they didn't fulfill their son's wish.

Thinking of this, he felt even more distressed about his son and the cat.

"." Wei Junyan saw Weixing Ze's distressed and pityful eyes, and he probably knew what Weixing Ze was thinking about.

But he didn't bother to explain.

So, the two reached an agreement on this.Wei Junyan also accepted this stupid daddy in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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