Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1161 It is better to leave

Chapter 1161 It is better to leave
It's just that Lan Xuege's temperament is cold. Although Shenhou's tomb has been destroyed, she has nothing to do now. She is cold by nature. She doesn't know many people in this world, and she doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so she After Gao Lieyang left and made some repairs to the formation, outsiders still couldn't get in. This was the fundamental reason why Rong Xueyi and the others stayed inside for so long without harassment.

Although Lan Xuegebu's formation was clever, it hadn't reached the point of trapping Rong Xueyi.

In the past few days, Rong Xueyi has broken through the formation, and she plans to leave here alone, not because she doesn't want to take Ye Jinchu and Ding Fei away, but because every time she sees Ye Jinchu, she thinks of Mo Yan, and she also I don't want to see Ding Fei's worried eyes.

She thought about bringing Xie Yuhua with her a few days ago, but after chatting with Xie Yuhua that day, she knew that he had grown up and didn't need her care anymore, and she didn't want him to do anything else to her. She didn't want to take anyone with her when she left tonight.

Tonight is the [-]th day, the moon is as round as a disk, and the elegant brilliance is all over the place.

Rong Xueyi took advantage of the moonlight to quickly walk out of the formation. She remembered that Mo Yan had said several times before that she wanted to enjoy the moon with her, but it turned out either that the weather was not beautiful and there was a sudden rainstorm, or that someone was following her. Although the two of them fell in love For many years, if you count it carefully, there has never been a real friendship, and because of his serious illness, the two of them spent very little time together.

Rong Xueyi has always known her temperament. She is not hot-tempered, but she is absolutely stubborn. No matter what she wants to do, she will do her best. When she loves someone, she will do it with all her heart put in.

When Mo Yan drove her away from him back then, she knew that she had already loved him to the bone at that time. The free and easy and calm appearance on the surface was only used to deceive herself after all, and the deep-rooted feelings had already been engraved into her. soul.

During the three years when she and Mo Yan were separated, even though she hated him in her heart, she still thought of him.

The emotions at that time were a bit complicated, but now that I think about it, I feel that those three years were actually happy. Although there was hatred, I knew that he was alive after all, and if I wanted to see him someday, I could see him again.

Now that heaven and man are separated forever, and the longing is deep in my heart, but there is no way to relieve it.

Standing on the snow-white sand illuminated by the moon, she said softly: "Ayan, I know you must be by my side at this time, look, how beautiful the bright moon is in the sky!"

The temperature in the desert varies greatly, and it is only the beginning of spring for this land at this time. After nightfall, it is very cold.

The cold air penetrated directly into her neck, and she gathered the clothes on her body.

She seldom gets sick, but this time she has been sick for a long time. Because of this illness, she has become skinny and looks so slender and weak. Because of this illness, her physique has deteriorated a lot. She is no longer as resistant to cold and heat as she used to be. This kind of weather is actually a big test for her now.

It's just that her footsteps were very firm, and she didn't look back, because she didn't want to see the mountain where Mo Yan was buried, and she didn't want to think about the tragedy of that day.

She walked slowly on the desert alone, letting the moonlight illuminate the white sand.

She turned over a sand dune that was not too high along the white sand, and there was a black shadow standing in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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