Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1162 Gu likes you

Chapter 1162 Gu likes you
Getting closer, Rong Xueyi finally saw clearly that it was a person, and that person was very tall.

Rong Xueyi didn't expect to meet someone here, she had a bad premonition in her heart, and she couldn't help frowning slightly.

The man turned slightly, revealed his handsome face, smiled at her and said, "Master Rong, long time no see."

His voice sounded a little cold in the night, and when entangled with the icy wind, there was an indescribably hoarse and charming feeling.

Rong Xueyi had already recognized him, it was Emperor Beiyan.

Rong Xueyi didn't have much affection for Emperor Beiyan, or in other words, she actually hated it a little bit, although she knew that she would not miss any hope of finding the Resurrection Grass, but this time What happened at Shenhou's tomb was brought about by Emperor Beiyan alone.

Rong Xueyi has always known that she is not a magnanimous person, and sometimes she is very vengeful.

Now she has a lot of emotions in her heart that she can't vent. Emperor Beiyan came here at this time. In her opinion, he was actually sent to her to vent her anger. She smiled lightly: "Yeah, long time no see. How are you?"

Emperor Beiyan saw that the girl's expression was calm, and she looked a lot thinner than a few months ago, but her eyes seemed to be brighter, he smiled and said, "Gu is fine."

"Why is the emperor here?" Rong Xueyi asked again.

"A few months ago, Lie Yang came back and told Gu what happened to you in the tomb. Gu is very worried about you." Emperor Beiyan took a few steps towards Rong Xueyi, fixed his eyes on Rong Xueyi, with Some strong emotions pressed towards her, and after standing still more than ten steps away from her, he continued: "I'm sorry about the matter of King Xin."

Rong Xueyi said indifferently: "It's not you who killed Ah Yan, you don't need to apologize."

Emperor Beiyan saw that the woman under the moonlight had such a sharp edge countless months ago, maybe it was because of the gentleness of the moonlight. At this time, she seemed to be showing a bit of tenderness. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly: "You just asked why Gu is here, because Gu is waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Rong Xueyi was a little surprised, but amused and said: "What is the emperor waiting for me? How do you know I will be here?"

"Since I saw you go to the grave last time, Gu has always been worried about you, and I regret the decision I made at that time." Emperor Beiyan showed an annoyed expression on his face, and then he sighed: "You asked Gu why he waited for you. , It's actually very simple, because I have been waiting for you here for several months, Lie Yang said that the matter of King Xin has hurt you greatly, and you may not be able to survive alone."

Rong Xueyi smiled and said: "He exchanged his life for mine. If I die, he will be sad."

Emperor Beiyan looked at her fixedly and said: "You are right. The dead are dead, but the living are still alive. In Gu's heart, you have always been so stubborn, so smart, and Gu has always been so stubborn. I believe you can get out of that person's shadow, so I have been waiting here for you. As for the reason for waiting for you, I don't want to hide it from you."

He paused for a while and said, "Because Gu likes you."

Rong Xueyi laughed and said, "Dijun likes me? What do you like about me?"

"I like your intelligence and strength." Emperor Beiyan's eyes were burning with an extremely scorching temperature.

(End of this chapter)

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