Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1454 Wedding Candle

Chapter 1454 Wedding Candle (33)

At that time, Xu Shi Qianjue saw his abnormality, and secretly invited Minglun over. After Minglun came, he yelled at him, scolded him for being incompetent, and scolded him for being responsible for his years of cultivation and careful training.

In fact, when Ming Yuesheng saw Ming Lun, he knew that he had no other choice.

Now that there is no other choice, no matter what Ming Lun says, there is only one way for him: the eldest son of a powerful family like him, live as a powerful person, and die as a powerful person.

It's just that in his heart, he had never hated the name of the big son of a family who had brought him countless honors so much as at that moment. At that moment, he only felt that he was an idiot who was so stupid that he couldn't be any more stupid.

He only said one sentence to Ming Lun: "I know what I should do."

At that time, Minglun still had a lot of things to say, but after hearing his words, he cut off all the words that followed, and only said: "You are the hope of our entire Ming family, so you must not fail. Down."

At that moment, Ming Yuesheng only felt extremely tired. It was the extreme tiredness of his body, but also the extreme tiredness of his heart, but he himself knew very well that as long as he was alive, he would never be able to escape the pressure imposed on him by the Ming Dynasty. burden.

Whether he is willing to bear those burdens or not, he simply cannot escape them.

Thinking of this, Ming Yuesheng felt sad for a while, just as the cold wind came and poured in through the mask on his mouth, he couldn't help coughing violently.

This coughing problem is left after he was seriously injured. Whenever the weather changes or the weather is not good, it will attack. The doctor said that it was the cause of the heart and lung injury at that time. It is a miracle that he survived. It is impossible for the night hibiscus to be cured when it first arrives.

Qian Jue was a little worried and said: "Young master, are you okay? It's windy here, why don't you go back and talk about it first."

"Go back? Where are you going?" Ming Yuesheng asked.

Qian Jue was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that Ming Clan's ancestral house had already been seized, and that the Ming Clan, the most powerful clan in Xia and Tang Dynasties, had actually disappeared. He said softly, "Go back to the inn."

Ming Yuesheng said softly: "I don't have a home in Tokyo anymore, whether it's in an inn or here, there is no essential difference for me, and the person I'm waiting for tonight hasn't arrived yet, so how can I leave now? "

Qian Jue said softly: "Young Master said so."

He knew that the person he was going to meet today, if he didn't meet Ming Yuesheng, it would be very difficult for him to succeed. This was also the fundamental reason why Ming Yuesheng had braved the severe cold to wait here tonight.

While the two were talking, it began to snow again.

Ming Yuesheng reached out to catch a snowflake, and the snowflakes melted quickly in his palm. He murmured: "It's snowing again. I thought I might never see the snow in Tokyo in my life. I didn't expect to see it again so soon." Here it is. The snow is still the same as before, but the mood is much worse."

Qian Jue gritted his teeth and said, "If it wasn't for Rong Xueyi, how could the young master suffer so much."

Ming Yuesheng smiled and said: "Have you suffered? I don't think so, but after so many things happened, I feel that my mood is getting more and more peaceful."

Qian Jue agrees with these words. Ming Yuesheng's temperament now always makes him feel Zen everywhere, and he has a feeling of seeing through the world. Many times, Qian Jue feels that Ming Yuesheng is extremely far away, so far away that he feels Some strange.

(End of this chapter)

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