Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1455 Wedding Candle

Chapter 1455 Wedding Candle (34)

Qian Jue said softly: "Young Master is the smartest person in the world."

His words seemed to have nothing to do with Ming Yuesheng's words at first, but Ming Yuesheng could hear the meaning of his words, so he just glanced at him and didn't speak.

Qian Jue felt extremely uncomfortable at his glance, and said softly, "My lord, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the wind is still strong tonight. Qi Yutian doesn't know if he will come."

"He will definitely come." Ming Yuesheng said softly: "Because he still has a very important handle in my hands, he can't take the risk, not to mention that the snow is only this big, even if it is twice as big, he Will come tonight."

While the two of them were talking, Qian Jue saw a black shadow riding a horse towards him not far away, and he couldn't help but said, "Young Master is the best."

Ming Yuesheng didn't speak any more, just coughed a few times, the black shadow had already rushed in front of the two of them, it was a tall man with a very long scar on the left side of his face, making him The whole person looks a bit hideous and terrifying.

And when he got off his horse, he saluted Ming Yuesheng and said, "Tomorrow King Xin will get married, and the interrogation in Beijing will be extremely strict, that's why my subordinate came out late, please punish me."

Ming Yuesheng had known about Rong Xueyi and Mo Yan's marriage for a long time, he nodded his head lightly and said: "Mo Yan can be regarded as fulfilling his wish, he and Emperor Xia Tang and the Empress Dowager are not in good faith, tomorrow's He will naturally be more careful about marriage."

Qi Yutian sneered and said, "It's just marrying a small business girl. It's a bit funny that he is so careful."

Ming Yuesheng glanced at him and said, "You still think that Rong Xueyi is just a harmless business girl?"

Qi Yutian's expression was a little uncomfortable, and Mingyue sighed long and long: "You should put away these thoughts as soon as possible, although Rong Xueyi does not have too much influence in Beijing, but don't forget, she was alone back then. She rushed out of the encirclement of the Ming Dynasty, and this time the arrangement must also take her into account, otherwise she will become the biggest variable."

Qi Yutian lowered his head and said, "Yes!"

Ming Yuesheng asked again: "How did you do what you were asked to do before?"

"It's all done." Qi Yutian replied: "Everything in the capital has been arranged, and it can be launched when the time comes. It's just that there was a small mistake in the barracks, and more than a dozen soldiers made trouble. When I get up, I have already dealt with it."

"What?" Ming Yuesheng frowned: "Did Mo Yan notice this?"

Qi Yutian thought about it carefully and said, "Probably not. At that time, I dealt with the matter as a few soldiers fighting fiercely. No one should have noticed, because this kind of thing often happens in the military camp."

Ming Yuesheng heaved a sigh of relief, and asked again: "Is there anything unusual in Prince Xin's Mansion?"

Qi Yutian replied: "Right now, the entire Prince Xin's Mansion is preparing for the wedding of King Xin tomorrow. The whole mansion is very busy, and there is nothing unusual about it."

Ming Yuesheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Send someone to keep an eye on Prince Xin's Mansion. If there is any abnormality there, report it to me immediately."

He choked on the wind after saying this, and immediately coughed violently.

Qi Yutian glanced at him, and then at Qian Jue who was standing beside him. Seeing that Qian Jue's eyes were full of worry, his eyes turned a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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