Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1465 Wedding Candle

Chapter 1465 Wedding Candle (44)

At this time, Rong Xueyi is not as mature as before, but only has the innocence and brilliance that a girl of her age should have.

Mo Yan said softly: "I hope you will be like this every day in the future."

Rong Xueyi obviously misunderstood: "Hungry me every day like today? Don't! I will be hungry and thin!"

Mo Yan couldn't help but stare at him and said, "If you starve me like this every day, I'll be in a hurry with you and fight with you every day!"

Mo Yan saw that her eyes were as bright as stars in the sky at this time, extremely moist, and so bright that they could drip water.

Mo Yan smiled and said: "Even if I want to starve myself, I won't starve you. I was just thinking that I have really suffered for you these years. I usually see that you are very old when you are dealing with things outside. I I always suspected that you were the same age as me, but when I saw you smiling, I suddenly realized that you were only 19 years old. I just want to keep your innocence and make you happy every day."

Rong Xueyi blinked and said: "Okay, from now on I will be a rice worm, and you will be my big benefactor."

Mo Yan couldn't help laughing. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. He sighed lightly and said, "Xue Yi, I want to go out for a while. The guests outside need to be entertained after all. I may go out for a long time. You If you are tired, go to bed first."

Rong Xueyi nodded her head, of course she knew that the entire Xia and Tang dignitaries had come to the palace today, and Mo Yan had to deal with it both emotionally and logically.

After Mo Yan left, Rong Xueyi stayed in the room alone and ate all the food until her belly was rounded. She stretched her waist contentedly and looked at the hourglass. It was still early at that time, and she was indeed a little bored at this time, so she looked at the room again.

When she sat under the bed, she felt that her buttocks were twitching. She hurriedly opened the mattress and saw that it was covered with red dates, peanuts and other things. She saw that one head was two big.

She knew the meaning of these things, but she felt pain in her buttocks just sitting on it like this. If she slept on it at night, she would probably be crushed to death. She had nothing to do at this time, so she just turned the mattress over and put all the things inside. Take it out.

It took her more than an hour to finish all this, and she made the bed after finishing all this, but Mo Yan hadn't come back yet.

Rong Xueyi dragged his chin with one hand, and was sitting there lazily, but when he saw a shadow cast by the lamp at the side, his figure suddenly rose, and he drew out the sword hanging on the bedside to ward off evil, and pointed at the black Shadow split the past.

The black shadow rolled on the spot, narrowly avoiding it and said: "Wait! It's me!"

Rong Xueyi was very familiar with that voice, looked suspiciously at the black figure, then frowned and said, "Ye Jinchu?"

Ye Jinchu raised her head and gave her a smirk "hehe", but complained: "Just now you were as cute and gentle as a little white rabbit in front of King Xin, and turned into a tigress as soon as you turned around. It's not ordinary change!"

Rong Xuefu snorted softly, "Whether I'm a little white rabbit or a tigress is none of your business, what are you doing in my room?"

Ye Jinchu smiled and said: "Miss Rong, are you really naive or fake naive? I came here at this time, of course to listen to the corner!"

Rong Xueyi gave him a cold look, this guy is really a master who is afraid of chaos in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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