Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1466 Wedding Candle

Chapter 1466 Wedding Candle (45)

After Ye Jinchu finished speaking, she said in a very regrettable tone: "The two of you are really annoying, just now you chatted so much together, and you didn't go straight to the point, I was so anxious to wait up there!"

Today, Mo Yan was afraid that someone would come to listen to the corner, so he ordered someone to clean up the front and back of the place early on. Naturally, ordinary people can't get in. It's just that Ye Jinchu's skill in using poison is first-rate, confusing one or two guards He still has the ability to fool the past and get in here.

Today, however, the palace is full of excitement, and the room is not as quiet as before. Ye Jinchu deliberately adjusted his breathing, and hid in a very secret place. Today, even Mo Yan didn't find him.

As soon as Rong Xueyi heard his words, she knew that he had been in for a long time, she immediately pointed at him with the sword in her hand and said, "Ye Jinchu, you are courting death!"

Ye Jinchu knew her force value, and he knew in his heart that if it was just a fight, he couldn't be Rong Xueyi's opponent, and Rong Xueyi had poison-avoiding beads in his hand, and his poisons and so on were also right. She doesn't work.

So he had no choice but to hold his head and said, "I want to live! Do you still want to have children?"

His words can be said to be directly to the key point, Rong Xueyi withdrew the sword in his hand, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "It seems that you have already thought of that level."

After he finished speaking, he sat down at the table beside him politely, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it slowly.

Rong Xueyi sheathed the sword, sat down opposite Ye Jinchu and asked, "Will Ah Yan's disease really be passed on to the child?"

"The whole family of Queen Mother and Concubine Xin has this disease. Do you think it will be inherited?" Ye Jinchu asked.

Rong Xueyi sighed softly, and asked with the last sliver of hope: "They will be passed on to the next generation, that's because their illness has not been cured, and Ah Yan's illness has been cured. As soon as his illness Well, will it not be passed on to the children?"

"No." Ye Jinchu gave her a sympathetic look and said, "The same will be inherited."

Rong Xueyi sighed lightly, and his eyes dimmed.

Ye Jinchu said again: "People are indeed greedy. When King Xin was seriously ill, all you wanted was for him to survive. Now that he has survived, you still want more."

Rong Xueyi said quietly: "Actually, in my opinion, it is very good for Ah Yan to be alive. I am already very content. We have discussed about the child before, and we have some hope in our hearts after all. It's just that the current situation Things aren't looking too good."

Ye Jinchu smiled and said: "In the end, you are still greedy, but since I am here, of course I have already thought of a way for you."

Rong Xueyi's eyes lit up immediately, and the corners of Ye Jinchu's mouth rose slightly, and she hurriedly asked, "What method?"

"Xin Wang's child will definitely contract his disease, but your child will not." Ye Jinchu said in a mysterious way.

"What do you mean?" Rong Xueyi asked with a frown.

Ye Jinchu smiled badly and said: "This is very simple, you can live with King Xin, and then have children with other men."

Rong Xueyi didn't even think about it, picked up the teapot at hand and greeted him on the head, he was hit straight on the ground, and he yelled in pain: "Hey, I was just joking with you, do you want to do that?" fierce?"

(End of this chapter)

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