Chapter 102 It's Late
Ye Jia woke up later than Lu Ye in the morning, and when he woke up, Lu Ye was no longer around.She went downstairs after washing up, and saw Lu Ye in the living room watching the news on a tablet.

Seeing Ye Jia coming down the stairs, Wu Ma said with a smile, "Young Mistress is up."


"I'm about to go up and ask young mistress to come down for breakfast." Mama Wu squinted and smiled.

During this period of rest days, Ye Jia always woke up quite late, today is considered early, because she and Lu Ye did some things in the afternoon yesterday, not at night, so her night's sleep time was fully guaranteed.

Seeing Lu Ye put down the tablet in his hand and get up, Ye Jia also followed when she walked towards the dining table. She thought of something important, looked at Lu Ye with a flattering smile, and called softly, "Husband..."

Lu Ye raised his eyes and glanced at her, and said faintly, "It's daytime now."

I know that Lu Ye said this because she thought she wanted to flirt with him again, although she only pursued so little in her life, it's not like that's all she has on her mind!
"I know it's daytime, and I didn't think about eating meat. I just wanted to tell you about our honeymoon trip. Originally, I was going to the Maldives, but grandma helped choose Paris. I think Paris is more beautiful. The previous trip , The mother-in-law has arranged everything like the hotel to stay in, but because you went on a business trip temporarily, it didn't work out."

"I asked for leave. According to the time, I have to go to work in two weeks." Lu Ye said in a soft voice, raised his hand to pick up his chopsticks, and was about to start eating.

Hearing this, Ye Jia frowned puzzled, "Then you won't get back your temporary business trip? Does it count as your leave?"

"En." Lu Ye responded with a nasal voice, and put a shrimp dumpling in her bowl.

Is there anything to do on the two-week honeymoon trip?As far as Ye Jia knew that there were reports in China that the three-day five-country tour was a scam. All the time was spent on the car and plane. What can I see?Two weeks, the last two days stay at home to rest, there are still [-] days, excluding the two-day drive, there are still ten days, the remaining ten days are two or three days to see one scenic spot, and it is enough to arrange to go to four scenic spots.

Ye Jia made up his mind and looked at Lu Ye, "Can you arrange the itinerary with me? I don't want to trouble my mother-in-law and grandma."

"I have never traveled before and have no experience. Are you sure you want me to arrange it?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Jia felt amazed, "How is it possible? You are already thirty, and your family is not short of money. How come you haven't gone abroad to play?"

"Normally, you have business to do when you go out, and you'll come back when you're done, and you won't stay longer." Lu Ye met Ye Jia's gaze, saw her unbelieving and surprised look, and then lightly looked away.

So Lu Ye stopped playing when he went abroad, and didn't spend time traveling.Ye Jia's family is not very rich, and she has never been abroad before. When she was studying abroad, some classmates formed a group to play, and occasionally when she had more time, she would go with her.

Ye Jia picked up the chopsticks, a little out of interest, "Then let me arrange it."

Seeing the expression on Ye Jia's face, Lu Ye didn't want to see her unhappy, so he slowly opened his thin lips, "You choose the scenic spot, I'll arrange the hotel to stay in, and the time plan."

"Okay." When going out on a honeymoon trip, you have to arrange it together in order to feel happy. Ye Jia's eyes are full of smiles, and the eyes are crooked like the crescent moon at the beginning of the month.After a pause, he continued, "You have to arrange the hotel room in a special way. I have only heard of many themed hotels but never stayed in them. I heard that the water bed is very good. I will try it this time."

Lu Ye couldn't accept it, his face darkened, "Only the presidential suite."

"You choose the scenic spot, and I'll arrange the hotel to stay in." Ye Jia was happy to exchange options with him.

Before Lu Ye could speak, Ye Jia continued, "There are a lot of surprises in the theme hotel, you can choose according to your own preferences, there may also be cosplay clothes, those clothes have a special sense of design, and the clothes are amazing Only when you are very small can you show your figure.”

Lu Ye looked at her, "..."

This wife really knows too much...

In order to prevent her from talking, Lu Ye froze, and said two words in a cold voice, "Eat!"

"Oh, let's eat first, and I will introduce you in detail after the meal."

Just as Ye Jia was about to start eating, a call came from Lu Ye's mobile phone. He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID before getting up and going upstairs.

When I went upstairs, I specially answered the call, and ran so far.

Is there anything she can't hear?Ye Jia became curious. Even if it was about work, she probably wouldn't understand Lu Ye answering the call in front of her. Why did she have to go upstairs to answer the call?
The more Ye Jia thought about it, the more curious she became, poking the porridge in the bowl with the chopsticks, absent-minded.

"Young Mistress, why don't you eat? Where's the Young Master?" Wu Ma just finished working in the kitchen, when she came out, she saw Ye Jia poking the porridge in the bowl with her chopsticks.

Ye Jia put away her thoughts and looked at Mrs. Wu, "Mother Wu, do you really think that Lu Ye has me in his heart? Why do I feel that he puts more thought on his career than on me? He He never took the initiative to do anything for me to make me happy. He didn't do everything I asked him to do, and his attitude was extremely coping. On the second day of marriage, he could be called to go on a business trip. Now When a phone call comes, he puts down his chopsticks and refuses to eat, and immediately goes upstairs to answer it."

"Young mistress, men are like this. It's good to have a career in your heart. Young mistress also hopes that her husband will be excellent and have a good career, right?"

It was true what Wu Ma said, but Ye Jia was still unhappy, but there was nothing she could do. She sighed, "I am Lu Ye's wife, so my job is Lu Ye's second wife."

At this moment, Lu Ye, who was answering the phone in the upstairs study, suddenly became gloomy.

A voice came from the other end of the phone, "Inspector Lu, the criminal who was caught the day before yesterday and wanted to kill you has already finished his second trial, and he still only admits that he wanted to kill you for personal reasons and without the instigation of others. "

"Yes, I see." Lu Ye responded.

The other end of the phone asked again, "Do you still need us to continue the interrogation?"

The result of the second trial was still the same, Lu Ye narrowed his eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Not for now."

The person on the other end of the phone replied tremblingly, "Okay."

He never attended the annual dinner of the Yeqing Group, but he did this year. He only told two people beforehand that Shen Shaoqing was impossible, and the rest would be Jiang Sizhou...

(End of this chapter)

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