Chapter 103 Smile
At night, Lu Ye received a call for help, and he went out immediately after receiving the call.

Ye Jia watched Lu Ye go out, and wanted to ask where he was going before she had time to ask, she really wanted to find some treatment that Lu Ye's wife should have.Wherever you go, at least report to her. Is it the habit of not reporting to others before going out?

When Lu Ye arrived, he saw that Zhen Tian was crying all the time, and Liang Qingyin was lying on the hospital bed, her eyes were out of focus, empty and motionless.

"What's going on?" Lu Ye looked at Zhen Tian.

On the phone, Zhen Tian cried so hard that something happened to Liang Qingyin, and before he could ask questions, Zhen Tian yelled for help and hung up the phone.

Zhen Tian looked at Lu Ye with tears in her eyes, "Master Lu, please save us Qingyin. The director of our 'Huanyue' Media came to visit Qingyin half an hour ago and said that Mr. Jiang from Shengxing helped us. Qingyin signed a contract to make a series of videos, but they were all unscrupulous movies. We Qingyin took a fruit knife and cut his wrist in shame and anger, so we scared the director of "Joyful" away .”

The more she talked about Zhen Tian, ​​the more she cried. She couldn't bear to look at Liang Qingyin, held her hand, and raised it up, "Young Master Lu, look at the cut on Qingyin's hand, if it's not just right In the hospital, if the bleeding cannot be stopped in time, we, Qingyin, will die. We, Qingyin, only blocked a knife for you two days ago, and we are still in good health!"

"What did the doctor order?" Lu Ye glanced at Zhen Tian.

Zhen Tian raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and sniffed her nose, "The doctor told us Qingyin to rest well, she was injured, and she will have to be hospitalized for two months before she can be released." After a pause, Zhen Tian continued, " We, Qingyin, even hid our condition and asked the doctor not to tell you, Mr. Lu. Our Qingyin injured her uterus where she was stabbed by a knife, and she will not be able to bear children in the future."

"Our Qingyin's life is really hard. After ten years of struggle, we finally reached the third-line position. Now we dislike Qingyin's dramas with narrow roads and low income, and let us Qingyin take that kind of drama. Let's not say that we Qingyin can't Accept it, and still shoot this kind of scene, how will others think of us Qingyin in the future? Qingyin's image of a beautiful girl will be ruined."

Lu Ye's eyes fell on Liang Qingyin's face, and he frowned, "Qingyin..."

Hearing Lu Ye's voice, Liang Qingyin slowly raised her eyelids, and when she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Lu Ye, she threw herself into his arms, crying loudly, "Ye...I'm so scared! Ye, I don't care about anything right now." No, don't want anything! I don't want to be a movie queen, I don't want to be a star anymore. Ye, don't leave me!"

At the waist, Liang Qingyin leaned on him, holding him with both hands, crying so sadly, so fragile that she couldn't stand a single blow.

Lu Ye frowned, raised his hand and patted her on the back, soothing her softly, "Don't worry, I will help you deal with this matter."

Seeing this, Zhen Tian at the side stopped crying with a smile in her eyes, and quietly exited the ward.

The biggest advantage Liang Qingyin has now is that she suffered a knife for Lu Ye. It was a real knife. She was sent to the hospital and escaped death, leaving one life behind. Everyone said that if you survive a disaster, you will have a future Fu, since she is not dead, she will take back what should belong to her.

It took a long time for Liang Qingyin to calm down and stop crying.Lu Ye supported her on the bed, covered her with the quilt, and looked at her, "It's late, go to sleep."

Liang Qingyin was afraid that Lu Ye would leave, so she eagerly reached out to grab his big palm, her watery eyes rippled, and she said in a low voice, "Ye, don't go, I'm afraid, stay with me, okay? I'm afraid of them Now, I’m afraid they will force me to shoot those things because of the contract.”

"Don't worry, it won't happen, you go to sleep first." Lu Ye comforted her, pushing away the hand that was holding him.

He promised to help solve this matter, so he would definitely not leave her alone. Liang Qingyin knew Lu Ye's character very well, so she didn't continue to pester him.Today's start is already very good, things must be reversed, she knows how to measure.

When Lu Ye exited the door, he saw Zhen Tian outside the door, holding a supper in her hand, eating on the seat.

Lu Ye walked up to her, "How many years did Qingyin sign the contract?"

Hearing Lu Ye's voice, Zhen Tian quickly put down the things in her hands, and answered honestly, "Shengxing Company's contract is divided into three years, five years, and ten years. We Qingyin signed four times in total, and the first three were three years. , The latter one was signed for five years. At that time, Sheng Xing said that the longer the signing period, the better the treatment. We, Qingyin, have always hoped that we can become popular quickly and then come back to you, so we have never dared to The signing time is too long, and she is also in a hurry for the next five years."

"That means there are still four years left?" Lu Ye frowned, focusing on the point of the nonsense she said.

Zhen sweetly nodded, "Yes."

"Bring me the contract signed by Qingyin." Lu Ye looked at Zhen Tian.

"I'll bring it to you tomorrow morning." Zhen Tian replied, looking at Lu Ye with some doubts, "But what do you want our Qingyin contract to be?"

"Terminate the contract."

When she heard these two words from Lu Ye's mouth, Zhen Tian gasped in surprise, her eyes widened in disbelief, "Mr. Lu, are you going to terminate our contract with Qingyin? Compensation is required for the termination of the contract, and Three times the compensation, that's a lot of money. And we, Qingyin, have terminated the contract with Shengxing, so I'm afraid that no entertainment company will dare to sign us Qingyin, after all, Shengxing Entertainment is the leader in the entertainment media industry in Beijing."

Zhen Tian's words made Lu Ye frowned, and reconsidered how to deal with it.

At this time, Lu Ye received a call from his mobile phone, and the caller ID showed that it was his wife.

Originally, the note he gave Ye Jia was his wife, because he agreed to marry Ye Jia before he had Ye Jia's number.

Lu Ye put the phone to his ear to answer, and Ye Jia's voice came from the other end of the phone, "When are you coming back, husband? Your caring wife has already warmed the quilt for you on the bed, and is waiting for you to come back!"

"Ten minutes later." Lu Ye raised his wrist and glanced at the time on his watch.

Ye Jia on the other end of the phone smiled and said briskly, "Okay. Be careful when driving on the road."

After hanging up the phone, a smile appeared in Lu Ye's eyes, and the corners of his mouth also raised.Ye Jia, his wife, seems to be born with a magical power that can make him not think about anything, as long as he thinks of her, his heart will be very happy.

Zhen Tian was shocked by the smile as if the ice and snow had melted. She had never seen Mr. Lu smile before. It has been ten years since she knew Mr. Lu. When he was dating Qingyin, his face Never showed such a smile.

When she came back to her senses, she wanted to say something to keep Lu Ye from staying here with Liang Qingyin, but she saw that Lu Ye had gone away...

(End of this chapter)

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